Brian is one ugly motherfucker!!!This is just fucked ,,,
Yeah I agree I'm not a fan of being told to just accept it or your a cunt!!With all the shit that goes into our food it makes sense to me that that is a considerable contributor,,so with that you can’t blame some people ,,
But what pisses me off is that we are supposed to conform to their warped sense of reality or be cancelled,,,So they( the radicalised among them ) make it a war against normal people and what is best for society.
Their agenda only leads to chaos.
Fully cookedThis is the cunt that is unhinged.
Alex Jones (wiki) ?This guy takes his shirt off as punctuation!
He’s a cunts,cunt.
Declared himself bankrupt before the court case. Snake oil salesman.Didn’t he get fined some massive amount ?
Brian is one ugly motherfucker!!!
It is bizzar this transgender shit!!
This could explain the explosion of it in the last 20 years!!
Gender Fluidity and Hormone Disruptors
The modern human environment is replete with substances that mimic sex hormones. Could these chemicals play a role in contemporary gender fluidity?
Shit load of research on the subject. The above is just one.
These chemicals might explain the above!
While I'm in no way claiming this was the designed or desired outcome, it is exactly where I knew all this would logically end up. I made the called on this years back and was told I was an idiotmore fucked up shit from Merica.
Pedos have been round as long as any other sexual preference!While I'm in no way claiming this was the designed or desired outcome, it is exactly where I knew all this would logically end up. I made the called on this years back and was told I was an idiot( I
am an idiot).
Disgusting and horrible as it is, peadophilia is a "genuine" sexual preference, no different to any other. It is an "in-built" sexual preference & these people are acting on what they "feel" and are "attracted to" just as any hetro, homo or other-sexuals would and do. So under the current LGBTQ+ rule set, how can it be anything other than a hate crime to treat them any different? To do otherwise would be pure hypocrisy and undermine the whole position.
I'm not a hater of anyone's right to sexual freedom and I'm not trying to say that being LGB is the same as being a peado. It just the next important and logical question that everyone seemingly forget to ask whilst caught up in the excitement of this crusade of modern dayreligionthought.
Jello put it best back in '86...