Is this the biggest scam of all time?

Pedro de pacas

FIGJAM - Artisan of Bullshit.
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"A 70-year-old Tasmanian man is being treated for suspected blood clotting following vaccination with the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine. A man from Townsville also developed clotting after receiving the AstraZeneca vaccine on March 30"

Who the fuck would think the Astro vaccine would be safe for over 50's, old cunts are more likely to get blood clots than young cunts
what a fucking joke the pretend vaccines are

Good luck vaccine takers your gunna need it

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Forum Pisshead
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Yanks are flying with it, so one cunt has died from the vaccine in oz?

More fear mongering ???

Alcohol related deaths are around 6000 p/a in oz never hear about tho!



Forum Pisshead
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My old lady had the astra jab about 3 weeks ago, health care worker and fit as a fuckin fiddle.

afghan bob

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Well ferk me, do i or don't i
They reckon if u don't, then u won't get a dentist 2 work on ure fangs in future
Hospitals will accept those who have had the jab over those who haven't
Bloody hell, even bloody woolies will knock u back without it
And if u do have it, uve got blood clots and a decent chance of being micro-chipped :)

My daughter said 2 me the other day ' dad if u have the jab, u'll go 2 hell' fair dinkum couldn't believe it
Apparently Satan is running the jab join-up and if u go down that road, then u keep going.......down that is :devilish:

Pedro de pacas

FIGJAM - Artisan of Bullshit.
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Not many nurses are lining up for the Astro jab

I got no problems with vaccines, but only after the proper clinical trials have been completed
and its been proven to work, without any nasty side affects like death lol

It takes years and years to run clinical trials, this one only has emergency approval, because they haven't done the proper trials

FFS anyone under 75 ? and healthy has more chance of being fucked over by the vaccine than the corona's
most cunts wouldn't even know they have had corona

Mellow oldfark

Trichome Enthusiast
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Dead right Pedro , these vaccines have been rushed through at a stupid fast rate , corners will have been cut and the truth will come out in the wash eventually .it shouldn't take too long.
We all know everthing on mainstream media is twisted somehow to suit the current narrative .
Big pharma is on the crux of their biggest money spinner ever and with a lot of the usual testing and developmental procedures thrown out the window .
In the name of "emergency"
The heads of these companys don't care they are untouchable!
Personally I wouldn't be rushing at the front of the line !
This is one time the early bird may not get the worm!
He may get something far more sinister!
Sit back a little and see what happens I say and I think a lot of others thinking along these lines.
Got to have freedom of choice otherwise we might as well surrender to China now!✌🏻


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Dead right Pedro , these vaccines have been rushed through at a stupid fast rate , corners will have been cut and the truth will come out in the wash eventually .it shouldn't take too long.
We all know everthing on mainstream media is twisted somehow to suit the current narrative .
Big pharma is on the crux of their biggest money spinner ever and with a lot of the usual testing and developmental procedures thrown out the window .
In the name of "emergency"
The heads of these companys don't care they are untouchable!
Personally I wouldn't be rushing at the front of the line !
This is one time the early bird may not get the worm!
He may get something far more sinister!
Sit back a little and see what happens I say and I think a lot of others thinking along these lines.
Got to have freedom of choice otherwise we might as well surrender to China now!✌🏻

I half agree.


if you lived in India right now, would you have the same opinion? Its easy from your comfortable arm chair seemingly a world away from harm. If we get hit hard I bet all you nay sayers will be suddenly whinging that you cant access a vaccine as we are running low.

Anyway, time will tell.


The Dwarf Hermie King
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Australia's vaccination program will cost 9billion apparently. The rest of the world wants the vaccine as well. Pharmaceutical companies are about to become the most powerful companies on earth.
I wonder if this is what China had in mind when they released this. Maybe Chinese officials own large amounts of shares in these western Pharmaceutical companies.


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Australia's vaccination program will cost 9billion apparently. The rest of the world wants the vaccine as well. Pharmaceutical companies are about to become the most powerful companies on earth.
I wonder if this is what China had in mind when they released this. Maybe Chinese officials own large amounts of shares in these western Pharmaceutical companies.

Well Pedro can no doubt fill us in on how much he has made on pharma stocks... but looking at pfizer for example over 5 years.. where is there spike due to covid?


Mellow oldfark

Trichome Enthusiast
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I half agree.


if you lived in India right now, would you have the same opinion? Its easy from your comfortable arm chair seemingly a world away from harm. If we get hit hard I bet all you nay sayers will be suddenly whinging that you cant access a vaccine as we are running low.

Anyway, time will tell.
Ya your probably right ,luckily we are here with some sort of islolation, and a big country with vast distance between populations.✌🏻


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Ya your probably right ,luckily we are here with some sort of islolation, and a big country with vast distance between populations.✌🏻

Unfortunately, I am certain we will get to see the outcome of this discussion in the near future.

afghan bob

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I was where u are Billy, telling my kids 2 wake up
The missus thinks it's one big conspiracy run by illuminate
I was gonna be first in line when it becomes available
But we wouldn't be human if all these negative reports didn't make us sit on the fence 4 awhile
I know what's happening in India and U.S sux balls but when u living with 100 ppl per sq mtr, compared 2 three ppl
then u gotta expect contact with bad shit
Yes ev/thing was rushed and no time critical proof on vaccine and when u do maths on how many ppl affected adversely compared 2 doses given then u gotta side with having jab
Think the fence is best place 4 now

Mellow oldfark

Trichome Enthusiast
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I was where u are Billy, telling my kids 2 wake up
The missus thinks it's one big conspiracy run by illuminate
I was gonna be first in line when it becomes available
But we wouldn't be human if all these negative reports didn't make us sit on the fence 4 awhile
I know what's happening in India and U.S sux balls but when u living with 100 ppl per sq mtr, compared 2 three ppl
then u gotta expect contact with bad shit
Yes ev/thing was rushed and no time critical proof on vaccine and when u do maths on how many ppl affected adversely compared 2 doses given then u gotta side with having jab
Think the fence is best place 4 now
Yeah I'm on the fence on this ,Fuken splinters in me balls!😝✌🏻


The man your mother warned you about.
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who Knows what the long term side effects will be ,,,if There is any,

I won’t be queuing up ,but they’ll end up forcing people to take the jab.

No jab ,,,,,No work, No travel,,No services.,,,,No nuthin.
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