Is Billygoat a passive aggressive fuckwit?

Is Billygoat a passive aggresive fuckwit?

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The Dwarf Hermie King
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Has the power gone to this cunts head?
The cunts been trolling me since I joined.
I've called him out,but no response.
Whats up @Billygoat?
Fuck you are a woman!!
Why not post some more pics of his profile pic around the place ya sook!!
Bill is right to leave sook of the year next to ya name!!
This new one should have Fucking Dumb Cunt next to it!!!😝

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In my personal opinion billy has been nothing but nice to me he has given good advice always responds to my messages he has sent me free fem seeds + some regs, stickers and a stubbie holder what did he do? how has he trolled you?
Those with the power use that power, read Stalin sometime its educating
do you really think as a mod you would only have just the one account...?
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