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Do dogs go to heaven?
I don't know - Coops, I'm not teacher or a bible scholar ok whatever I say is what I think but there are lots of other christians with differing thoughts and so forth.
I don't get too bogged down in details and try to keep a simple faith with trust in God.

Still it is a question I have wanted to know too and have looked into it a bit about animals going to heaven and I've had ministers do christian service to say goodbye to animals.

I certainly do for my animals that have died and think they have gone to heaven in my heart and mind and soul etc.

Anyway, I found in the Bible that animals also have to give an account of themselves to God just like us!

That seems to me, if they have to give an account of themselves to God then they must be in relationship with God so I really hope they do.

Let me go find the passage...

It's Genesis 9:5 And surely I will require the life of any man or beast by whose hand your lifeblood is shed. I will demand an accounting from anyone who takes the life of his fellow man:

So God does judge animals.


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btw, not that anyone asked after her... but sister and bil dog Judy survived the operation!
She can go home at the weekend and convalese in play pen and little wee walks


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Fathers Day - a time to celebrate being a father and enjoying the love of your children and family.

It's nice for some but not all and it gets tough for lots of people when these types of celebrations come around such as Mother's Day, Christmas when estranged from family etc.

So father's day this year my step father is not feeling well and doesn't want to celebrate the day with me and I feel sad.

When I think of my real father I don't recall celebrating fathers day with him ever. He was either in gaol or just not there.

Anyway, it's nice that some fathers and kids are in a good relationship with each other and enjoying the day but I am feeling for those of us for whatever reason do not share the same celebratory feeling.

This is a tough time for some of us and I pray that wounds are healed and peace is with us.

Thankfully we have a Father in Heaven who loves us and cares for us and looks out for us. Amen.


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This Father's Day we're sending loads of love to all the Dads out there. COVID-19 may mean many of us won't be able to be together physically but that doesn't mean we need to stop the connection happening.

We also understand Father's Day is extremely difficult for many in our community. Please know, if you're struggling and feeling overwhelmed, we're here for you. Reach out to us anytime on 13 11 14 or text with us nightly. Lifeline Text is available 6pm - midnight (AEST) on 0477 13 11 14
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Mellow oldfark

Trichome Enthusiast
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Yes sugar ,feel sorry for my daughter with her baby stuck in wa .wanting to come and stay with us while her husband is deployed overseas for six months.😭


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Yes sugar ,feel sorry for my daughter with her baby stuck in wa .wanting to come and stay with us while her husband is deployed overseas for six months.😭

That's tough all round and very sorry to hear you can't be together physically, particularly at this time.
I hope she is managing ok and has good friends and support around her.
In my prayers for peace and joy and comfort.


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That's tough all round and very sorry to hear you can't be together physically, particularly at this time.
I hope she is managing ok and has good friends and support around her.
In my prayers for peace and joy and comfort.

Just been outside thinking and praying Oldfark and am also keeping your daughter's husband in prayer too as I imagine he would likely be worrying himself about his family and his deployment. I hope he can be have peace and focus and is kept safe.

And.... Congratulations on being a Grandpa! :D awesome


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Do dogs go to heaven?
Yes Cooper, dogs DO go to heaven ... at least that's what my Heavenly Boyfriend tells me. He says tho' that there is no doggy-do in heaven. Apparently no one there eats ... just gets along on the vibe. (When you think about it, it's a bit of a stretch to imagine there's a Kleenaway service in Heaven. I mean there's no roads!) I guess to find out the details we will just have to go there ourselves. Be good, y'all! See you there!


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View attachment 4452

Yes, I do think we are in the Hour of Trial (not the Tribulation but before that) in the Book of Revelations.
I'll post my reasons in a bit.
Yep, Sugar ... these are trialling days that's for sure. Isn't it amazing that the Book was written just for these times? As if SOMEONE KNEW all that time ago that Covid would happen, the Planet would dry out, Julian Assange would be born and those pesky Blacks in America would revolt. (Thank goodness our Blacks are Christians now and wouldn't behave like the American ones. Peace to any Murris, Kooris, Nungars, Nyoongars on site.)
But what puzzles me is that, in Exodus I think (I 'm sure you'll be able to correct me, Sugar) it is said: 'There's nothing new under the sun.' Why Sugar, that's what Taoism says too, and they definitely are Heathens.
Gosh, now I 'm all mixed up ... don't know what to think. I 'll go and ask my Boyfriend and get back ...
(PS: Just had a thought. When I was probably younger than you are now, Sugar, there was a sect of people at that time who believed those were the end days. Oops time warp, loop, round and round, oops loopy.)


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my favourite blessing from the Bible in song version

Here's my favourite blessing, Sugar:

You are Loveable, Beautiful and Worthwhile, before during and after ... (fill in the gap). In your case I would end: ... your obsession with the Bible.
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