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Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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Just done a quick google and see a few people growing his gear, mainly autos. Didn't find anything older than 2017 though so must be fairly new to the scene I'm guessing?
Dunno where he's based, as I haven't used his business. But the beans get a good wrap on Yankee FB grower forums. Surely, they can't all be spam comments?


Forum Pisshead
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I’ve popped one of oz88 gsc bean he gave me. It had a tail win in 8 hrs of soak it’s one of bergmans.

afghan bob

Community Member
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Hope u have much better outcome than me Gazz with his g.s.c extremes
Popped 3 no worries, but i think i over topped and ended up with very airy buds
Lots of em but lacking in girth.....[have 2 talk 2 Tunks about that]
Bye the way they were autos


Forum Pisshead
User ID
I believe it’s a photo mate, I tried to grow an auto once I managed to get 2 cones out of it.

I’ll have to borrow your turban and pray to Alah for auto correct to work for me I have blue monkey shit that wants to be grown out.

afghan bob

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Actually been using Terra with worm castings with pretty good results
Just gotta raise p.h a little as leaning 2wards soil due 2 castings
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