Howdy from down south!


Sultan Of Soil
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the main thing in smaller pots bud is moisture

you can top dress till the cows come home but without the composters like worms to break it down to nutrients in a plant available form it'll just stay as a top dress of organic matter

soil biology must have moisture or they POQ , now to much moisture will change that biology , & not for the good , this is why i say larger volumes of soil are much more stable because the moisture levels won't change as rapidly as they will in smaller pots

however you can do things to try & get around the moisture thing in smaller pot like @Aye Shroomer & use things like wicking planters aka SIP's sub irrigated planters or add some sort of watering system like blumats , not saying you have to have those things , many guys on here hand water plants & do fine but allot of those guys are bottle feeding as well , they don't need to rely on the biology conversion of organic matter to feed the plant

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There’s a place I found some amendments from at decent prices. Turns out it’s in Tassie lol. Like 20min south of Hobart.
Things like soft rock phosphate and basalt rock dust. Neem meal and kelp meal too.
That looks like it might be related to the Longley Organic Farm. They have a unmanned honesty stand next to the Longley Pub. The stock varies, but compost, worm poo, organic ferts, veggies, fruit, honey, etc. I mean this stereotype in a good vibes kinda way, but with the prevalence of white-people dreadlocks around there, I bet there is some good weed too!


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Yeah… Good to know there are some good ingredients close by….
Ive been making soil cus all my grows are organic….. but makin em in an inexperienced fashion….
Makin compost adding worm castings and recycling old grow soil…
Its bit me on the ass cus I got a recuring TSSM prob now…. In the soil now…..the little fuckers….
Would be great to get the soil building thing wired for Hoona growth…
I always put seaweed in my composts but don’t know about adding other stuff….
Will be outdooring Headstrong, Grape dragon and some delicous White Lights this summer…… and a Wizards sleeve just fa kicks ;)
Im hopin they will do Tassie well considering their origin…
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