Howdy from down south!


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Gday all I’ve been lurking on here a few months thought I’d finally make a account. Looks to be some good larikens among you and it seems like there’s always something to learn. I’m from down tassie way and am gunna have a go at a few outdoor with a coots living soil mix now it’s starting to warm up a bit. Wish me luck and I’ll keep you posted cheers 👍🏼

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Thanks for the welcome everyone 🤘🏻 @Aye Shroomer I’m thinking of building a little green house with a perspect roof and maybe green shade cloth for the walls and shit I’m gunna run a gorilla glue a gelato and a white widow all photo fems will also probably run 2 shit bag northern lights autos 😅 chucking them in 50 litre fabric pots and maybe 30 for the autos cheers 👍🏼

Aye Shroomer

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Thanks for the welcome everyone 🤘🏻 @Aye Shroomer I’m thinking of building a little green house with a perspect roof and maybe green shade cloth for the walls and shit I’m gunna run a gorilla glue a gelato and a white widow all photo fems will also probably run 2 shit bag northern lights autos 😅 chucking them in 50 litre fabric pots and maybe 30 for the autos cheers 👍🏼
Nice. I’m thinking of doing the same. I have some drop over greenhouse’s that I what to try and extend the height, roof with polycarbonate and green mess the sides.


User ID
Sounds like the go mate what sorta dirt are you gunna use? I’ve brought 2 ogs nutrient kits and about 70 litres of castings I just need some aeration and am gunna use sphag moss as a base. 👍🏼

Aye Shroomer

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Sounds like the go mate what sorta dirt are you gunna use? I’ve brought 2 ogs nutrient kits and about 70 litres of castings I just need some aeration and am gunna use sphag moss as a base. 👍🏼
I’m using High Powered Organics Gro Dirt in wicking planters atm
The pre packed stuff is great for fabric pots and wicking planters but not on the scale I want.

But raised beds outside need way too many bags.
I’ve been researching the crap out of soils and blends.

Found a local landscape supplier that has decent soil at $80 cubic meter. Then I’m going to amend with all the good stuff those living soils use.

Grabbed a tote load of old red brick I plan on using as aeration.
But I think a multi ingredient blend of brick/scoria/perlite/rice hulls seems the go.

Then some good quality compost and worm casting.
Also got the nuetrog stuff (seamungus, rooster booster and gogo juice)
I’m slowly getting all this crap lol.

Also thinking of old logs and decaying wood at the bottom aka hugelkultur too.


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If I was gunna put anymore than a couple in I’d go the same way I reckon mate. old logs would be a good way to keep some good fungi about maybe sprinkle a little amf around them. I’m thinking of looking into bokashi myself atm thinking it might help speed things up a little. awesome to be able chat to you blokes 👍🏼

Aye Shroomer

User ID
Yeah there is a lot of possibilities going this route.

I’m looking at making a decent garden for food with the odd weed thrown in amongst the veggies.

Companion plants and smelly flowers to disguise the hint of cannabis. 😆

Already got three raspberry shrubs going together with blueberries and strawberries.


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Yep the worlds your oyster with organics mate I can vouch for neutrog I have a raised bed for veggies with the who flung dung mulch and it’s doing well considering the rain and crap we have had lately 😅

One Drop

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Gday Cobba I’m in Hobart I made a hot house works great for the outdoors but really down here bro it’s indoors all the way I’ve been growing down here for past 20 years some great results in the outdoors but it’s never the same as a good indoor grow


Sultan Of Soil
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for greenhouse use i can recommend this stuff

for extra stealth Ive used 30% shade cloth as well as the ag plastic above

as for pot size & weather , if weather is considered shit & your not trying to grow monsters , no need to plant at the end of September / early October , consider what your asking of a plant in a 50 liter pot when you plant at these times ,
plant in October & harvest April / May that's lots of months ( 7 or 8 months ) expected to be happy & healthy

also with living soils , the soil needs to be working & turning organic matter into nutrients which is a little harder to do in smaller volumes of soil , it's for that reason whether planting later or earlier in the season a larger bed will always preform better than smaller pots


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@itchybro Great points there mate. I’m assuming with smaller pots I’ll have to amend more often. I will have to chuck some mycorrhizae and maybe even some bokashi thru to speed up the breakdown of the added nutrients. As to the long veg time I’ll probably get a few clones off them and I still have to cook the soil up for a few weeks so no rush there. cheers for the input fellas 👍🏼
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