How do i get rid of THRIPS.


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Hi, itchybro. Thanks very much for all the info you have given me, as per usual you have given me much to ponder. At the moment for ease of use and availability i will use the dish soap for now. It will take me a little while to get some of those products together. And yes, i would much rather use something that will benefit the plants. What i do need to know is, once i have sprayed the plants, how long do i leave them before putting them back under the lights ? Possum.

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Sultan Of Soil
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i'll assume you have a circulation fan running 24/7 so if you spray at lights out they'll be fine by the time lights come on again


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Hi, itchybro . Yes, I have Air circulation 24/7, Thankyou , now i can get on with the job with more confidence . And Thankyou to everybody else that helped me with their knowledge, Time and Experience, I for one am very grateful . Possum .
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