Hi i am new here, and just got scammed in Canberra


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So I am new to Canberra and wanted to get in touch with someone who could help me out with some weed for recreational relaxing and to help with my anxiety (I am sure you guys understand).

So I find some guy on Telegram, and he seems all friendly and cool, says we can meetup soon but as this is the first time and we dont know each other he asks I send him an online redeemable voucher turns out he just claims they never work and i end up getting fleeced for $130 before I realize whats happening, maybe I am just naive and trusting but it upset me.

Could someone please DM for the right way to go about this in Canberra.

If this is an inappropriate post please let me know and I will delete it.

I appreciate any help.

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Just send your money to me,,

NO ?

Glad you learned your lesson ,,

But on a serious note,,,we have threads on medical weed ,
Cheaper than being ripped off.

Fucked if I can find them though ,,someone might post the link here for you

Edit,, here is the link
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HPS turncoat
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got me fucked how people buy weed from the internet, Telegram, Facey, Insta etc...

go down to your local watering hole and ask around..

ima sure theres aplenty of weed up for grabs in Canberra pubs...

..for long term supply, your in Canberra, grow it my friend! fuk going medical, complete rip off imo...

...welcome to TSE too!..


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Well.. there is "Consession" weed that works out at $240 for a 30gram ounce.

Cheaper than what I could pay for it around here. :p


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Hey @Dotts
I’d be interested in seeing a loose breakdown on that out of curiosity.
Maybe I spend to much but I don’t mind.


HPS turncoat
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Hey @Dotts
I’d be interested in seeing a loose breakdown on that out of curiosity.
Maybe I spend to much but I don’t mind.
Yeah... I wouldn't have a clue what the cost break down is...

The point being, it would cost a fraction of what it cost to grow ya own compared to what med weed cost is all...

If your growing outdoor with sunshine, it cost you a bitta time and effort....

Indoors cost ya bit more in running costs....

But it sure as fuk does not cost me 240$ to produce 10g of mediocre weed...


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30grams, not 10..

But yeah. Dotts is pretty well on the money with those figures he mentioned. I've broken it down before, and had about the same when you round it off.


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Fair enough @Dotts, I was curious, I’ll have to look at my own No.s as I never correlate the $ spent with the results. Mine would be a bit more but still cheaper than on the street.
Seeds, soil mixes, amendments it will be a sobering analysis.
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