HHI Expo


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finally got around to looking at the junk I collected on the day.

The official programme has this on the back page?

Who the fuck is madcanna?



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I'm sure I've seen people on here who have bought from them. Don't know if I've seen anything grown from them but!
I've stalked the site a few times but all the mistakes scare me off. A strain will have a barneys logo on it but down the bottom in the description in tiny print it will have a tifferent breeder listed. Like the dosi do has dinafem and Barney's Farm label a d down the ottom it says Spanish seeds


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I went on Saturday.

Honestly, not worth the money.

Not sure on the exact number of stall holders, but it seemed quite small, maybe 30?

I did not see any medical canna suppliers there.

Lots of hemp products and lotions/sprays etc. A couple of stands with growers gear, lights etc. Dr Greenthumbs, Lucius from memory. (their new Lucius LED bar light looks very nice).

Some of the usual junk crystal rubbish and nimbin hemp embassy set up. A stall they were trying to sell their HHI shirts (shoulda got one free for the entry price!)

They did have some presenters on a small stage in the middle, but I did not hang around long enough to see what that was about.

Was good to catch up with Dotts and Everest for a beer and a feed afterwards ;)
I agree 100%. As a vendor, it's become too high a risk for me to spend money and time to exhibit there. I don't know if it will be busy or not. Not busy means I'll be down thousands. And they don't tell you... You get to find out on the day! A lot of exhibitors got warning emails from the TGA about advertising anything to do with cannabis etc
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