Herbies order


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Placed a order with herbies hopefully it gets thrue seeds was only like under 20 bucks so no biggie if it don't make it strain was sour dessert auto and the free seed was amnesia lemon

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Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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I doubt the parcel will arrive. Herbie's was one of my 3 orders confiscated by Kustoms last month. Herbies offered to resend, but that would be just compromising another safe address. Saving my coin for an onslaught of packages via Kustoms in early Dec. All my overseas bean parcels used the name Michael Outram. He is the fuckwit CEO of Aus Kustoms.


Plant of the Month - Sep,2020.
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good luck with your order
there are dickheads over on reddit this morning discussing all the stealth methods they
recieved their seeds in
FFS people can be idiots

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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I suspect Kustoms are concentrating on packages from country of origin. My recent parcels from UK, USA and Holland didn't make it. Around the same time, stuff from 7East in Canada was reportedly arriving ok. Kunts will be snowed under with incoming international packages before Xmas. Best time of the year for orders.


Community Member
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good luck with your order
there are dickheads over on reddit this morning discussing all the stealth methods they
recieved their seeds in
FFS people can be idiots
Was that on the Aussie subs?

afghan bob

Community Member
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Yup straight 2 arms of aussie customs where they will waive their empathetic magic wands of misery and shitdom over ure order and flush another dream of dank buds down the gurgler
Sorry 2 offer u these shitty odds my friend, but seems 2 be the norm of late
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