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Hi, I'm Jen. I have recently gone down the legal route of cannabis in Aus, didn't work out so well as it was fucking expensive and was reasonably hard to get proper info, as well as the fact that the stuff made me paranoid. I am wondering that if it wasn't so bloody expensive, I wuld be able to experiment a bit more with what I could have, therefor reducing the paranoia. I am using it for pain management and general relaxation, as well as reducing anxiety. Does anyone have any info about where I could source CBD and THC products that are of good quality? and what is less likely to induce paranoia?

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It’s hard from prescriptions because you don’t know much about the product at the end of the day.
For less paranoia I’d usually say harvest later, but if you are buying it you can’t choose this ( as far as I know. ) so if you don’t want to or can’t grow yourself then maybe make sure you choose Indica dominant strains rather than sativa.

But best to grow your own and harvest later for less paranoia and anxiety.

Saying that I used to get paranoid when I restarted smoking a few years ago after decades not, but it went away after a while and I rarely get it anymore.


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Welcome I have a similar situation I went for grow my own, you can pick many different strain that have a different outcome (hopefully its not all bullshit) Im still a few weeks away from my first harvest so I have my fingers crossed.
The thing that turned me off going legal is its all about profit with these company's they dont really care in the end.
But that my personal opinion a lot of guys on here swear by it Im shore a couple of them would be willing to help you or not.
Either way there is some good information on here to help you choose so good luck on your quest.


Forum Pisshead
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It’s worth being self sufficient nothing beats smoking your own home grown. Some people for whatever reasons are unable to grow for themselves so then I’d go the medical option otherwise growing is a great hobby I highly recommend it.

Royal queen seeds royal highness is a great cbd strain used it for a shoulder injury works well.


HPS turncoat
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Greed is Bad...

Grow ya own Jen!

Just gotta find a strain that suits you...

Few bucks for seeds and the time you put into it...

1 or 2 plants at harvest time will supply yourself for 12months easy...

And if ya brought that much flower through your grubernment sponsored dealers, you would be thousands of $$ outta pocket...

..and welcome aboard!


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It’s worth being self sufficient nothing beats smoking your own home grown. Some people for whatever reasons are unable to grow for themselves so then I’d go the medical option otherwise growing is a great hobby I highly recommend it.

Royal queen seeds royal highness is a great cbd strain used it for a shoulder injury works well.
Hey thanks gazza and everyone, unfortunately due to my living situation at the mo, I'm unable to grow my own. Is there any other option for those who can't grow their own but don't want to pay heaps out of pocket? I mean, it's such a ridiculous way that the prescription system is set up.


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Welcome aboard the good ship TSE Jen!
I hope you find answers and info here that will better suit your needs and situation, and if not at least you will have some laughs and learn alot.. Enjoy...
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