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Note: unlike other canna sites this site has 2 memberships, free and paid

you might try opening a grow journal, if this site don't charge for it .....Yet,
if you are rich consider making a donation or maybe buy several T-shirts
will keep admins and monalistic members contented
Good call Vostok lol :D

Did you check out the $30 bargain basement TSE rubber mouse mats? They probably sold out.

Some of us aren't born to be bred for go with the flow stuff.

Hope you are going well and cheers.
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Pedro de pacas

FIGJAM - Artisan of Bullshit.
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Hey-soos was white so white privelige.

Group thinking and actions?
So U go against no matter what?
Only go against the stupid ones, "man made climate shit" ,socialism is good, voting means something, LED's are better than HPS,
Renewable energy will save the planet, 1000 and 1 genders and all the rest of the leftard shit

Not so sure hay-SOOS was a white cunt, more likely he was a wog
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