Greetings TSE


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Vin. I don't follow individuals around. Ever!!!. I'll take advice from anyone and everyone that seems sensible and logical for me. I read a Newby post, as I was going to welcome him, like we do with other new members. But when his opening post tells me "were all going to gain in either cash or knowledge" I immediately smell bullshit. I didnt try to get a rise out of anyone. I'm just trying to keep it real. The cannabis world is full of scammers. They are usually identified by outlandish statements like this guy made in his first post. You may be gullible enough to believe him, but I don't. See, anyone driven by sales/profits in the cannabis world, has ulterior motives to me. Some operate in an open and honest manner( which I respect)while others tell me I'm going to gain cash and knowledge by associating with them. šŸ˜” I highly doubt I'm going to gain either cash or knowledge from your new friend šŸ¤”
I didnt allude to you in any way. You've been a vital contributor here. I don't think you've followed anyone around at all, and wouldn't expect you too tbh.

I usually just see you have your say and leave things as they are which is fine.
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if you can deal with an extremely small minority following you around trying to get a rise out of you for a few months if they decide they don't like you at first.
If by that you mean, call you out on the bullshit claims you make whilst you're trying to big note yourself to newbies? Then I'll put my hand up to that āœ‹.

Yet to see a grow out of you that doesn't come with excuses to explain why it failed horribly at meeting your claimed previous expert level exploits.

"...I usually..." no you fuckin' don't :ROFLMAO:.
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