Gidday from FNQ


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Love the passion guys and just to throw one in the ring Go da Blues 👍🤣 Go Parra 🤣☮ and so looking forward to State O ..always a great time of year footy season..

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The Dwarf Hermie King
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Love the passion guys and just to throw one in the ring Go da Blues 👍🤣 Go Parra 🤣☮ and so looking forward to State O ..always a great time of year footy season..
Always a great time of year unless your a kid down my way. My kid should be 7 rounds in but has played 2 games due to how wet the fields are. Still better than me mates kid who plays soccer and is yet to play a game the poor little bugger!! 😔


The Dwarf Hermie King
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Fancy a wager?
Yeah I'll go $50 I'm too poor for anymore!! 🤣
We will miss Latrell and Tommy turbo but I still reckon we got yas!!
I know your boys will play hard for Billy so should be a cracker of a series!!


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Yeah I'll go $50 I'm too poor for anymore!! 🤣
We will miss Latrell and Tommy turbo but I still reckon we got yas!!
I know your boys will play hard for Billy so should be a cracker of a series!!


No need for the excuses just yet man!


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Morning mates, I've only been here for like 4-5 months and I get a bloody laugh every time I read most the stuff on here 🤣💯. All the CUintheNT's and Csucking like a girl up the cross would go broke🤣. It took me a few minutes to figure out whether people were actually serious or not but come to realise most of its all in good fun and only some not..
Top day to ya all. Peace love and lotsa buds hey..
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