Gidday from FNQ


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Hi guys and gal's, it's great to see an Aussie forum 💯 I grow auto's and photo's outside only now, I've only been doing auto's for about 3yrs and with some success and some not so but I do like them for growing when I can't grow photo's, I just like growing 😀 who doesn't. I've only started name breeds recently also which has been fun..anyway thanks for the forum guys and look forward to maybe asking for help or giving advice if needed. Peace love and lotsa buds. ☮

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Hi guys and gal's, it's great to see an Aussie forum 💯 I grow auto's and photo's outside only now, I've only been doing auto's for about 3yrs and with some success and some not so but I do like them for growing when I can't grow photo's, I just like growing 😀 who doesn't. I've only started name breeds recently also which has been fun..anyway thanks for the forum guys and look forward to maybe asking for help or giving advice if needed. Peace love and lotsa buds. ☮
Heya mate fellow FNQ supporter.


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Fuck the Donkeys. I'll back every other QLD team before them. Ref's side with them every bloody time. Shit like Dave Fafita's try the other night. Ref's calls it, then the video ref's wants to check the grounding 30 seconds or so later. Only to look like fuckwits for it.

That shit is getting so tiresome, all because they got the largest fan base in the comp.
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