G'day from the N.T


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I've taken weed all the country no problems. Half oz vac sealed twice and taped to the side of ya leg. Easy as fuck. If your a paranoid cunt try to relax no cunts looking at ya!!
I've taken weed over seas 4 times but that's a lot harder!!

Oh yeah welcome!!
Had a mate that used to live in NT only way he could get buds finished properly was inside with reverse cycle air con and 2 dehumidifiers.

I've taken weed all the country no problems. Half oz vac sealed twice and taped to the side of ya leg. Easy as fuck. If your a paranoid cunt try to relax no cunts looking at ya!!
I've taken weed over seas 4 times but that's a lot harder!!

Oh yeah welcome!!
Had a mate that used to live in NT only way he could get buds finished properly was inside with reverse cycle air con and 2 dehumidifiers.
Thanks mate. Thats the go I reckon. Yeah, it's challenging.
4 fidy an oz up here if ya can't ..

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Red Eye Hero

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You've got the best username on here mate :ROFLMAO: So are you another Brit or just a Red Dwarf fan? ...I've found not many here (Aus) know what it means. Always gives me a good laugh when I see SMEG kitchen appliances :sick:šŸ¤®:LOL:

...would be a good name for a cheese strain :unsure:
Red dwarf good show old but good


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Welcome to TSE Smegma ! Good luck with your cancer removal. NT i guess upside would be year around growing, which i seem to be able to do here in SE QLD region
Just agknowleding your reply smokey.. Thanks mate. Will send ya a personal message to have a general yarn about the totlropics later. Bombed up in šŸ„ post Sergey.
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