G'day folks


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Kind of you to share some advice @pug . I'm in SE QLD, so I'm not too concerned with cold temps. The wardrobe sits under the house in a fairly stable environment year round.
I'm a bit spooked that I can't seem to get the humidity above 55%. I'm getting a nice even temperature of 26-27C. The light is on the exact time that you have suggested 5am - 11pm and the top fan that blows onto the light's driver is on a timer from 8am - 8pm to try and keep the space as warm as possible when the light is off.
I'm pretty content with the stealth of it all. All of the doors are sealed with draught excluder tape and you can really only notice the light leaking from the side vents if it's dark. The only people that use the space are me and the missus (when she's doing laundry). Otherwise, it's just your classic Aussie "under the house" with shit everywhere. It's very inconspicuous and It's well and truly out of sight of any neighbour.
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nice one oldmate.:)

i've grown in SE qld too mate ... nice temps.

when the lights are on, you won't have any hassles with humidity.

what you mind find in winter though is that between 11pm until 5am when your lights are currently off, the humidity will go up a fair bit.

one way to get around these humidity spikes during this time is to actually flip the light schedule, so that you turn on your lights at 5pm (not 5am ... 12 hours difference) and then after 18 hrs, your lights will go off at 11am. this just ensures that the period when things get most humid (in the evening and early morning), your lights are on and your humidity stays down. during the day (11am to 5pm) in SE QLD, the temps will mostly make sure that humidity isn't an issue.

not sure if that is clear, but hope it helps. :)


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Hey @pug that’s a fucking sweet tip re. humidity mate. Just had a look at the BoM forecast for my neck of the woods tomorrow. I feel like a dickhead not knowing that the humidity was higher at night than it is during the day. Thanks mate! 🙏🏻


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The seed popped overnight. Given that it’s an auto and every day counts, is it too late to correct the light cycle? Anybody think it’ll fuck up this seedling?


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If I could make a suggestion, I would compress that inlet ducting or cut it at the dotted yellow line so that it's flush with the ceiling.

As you know, hot air rises and it will accumulate in that top section above the opening of the inlet duct when the fan isn't running.


Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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If I could make a suggestion, I would compress that inlet ducting or cut it at the dotted yellow line so that it's flush with the ceiling.

As you know, hot air rises and it will accumulate in that top section above the opening of the inlet duct when the fan isn't running.

Why wouldn't the fan be running? Fans + extraction run 24/7.


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Why wouldn't the fan be running? Fans + extraction run 24/7.
In case it's rigged to activate after reaching certain a temp or humidity.
It would save energy not being triggered so often by heat building up in that zone.

Either way, just a suggestion in case he wants a more efficient system, how much more efficient may be negligible but I'm always looking to conserve energy where I can.



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I would also place that fan at mid height rather than up top where it can blow hot air in that pocket, back onto the plants. The extraction fan will then do its job extracting the hot air that makes its way to the very top - once that ducting inlet is up there.

- Also, to keep temps down, you may want to eventually look at a light with separate ballast that you can locate outside the wardrobe.



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Hey @Jaz thanks so much mate for taking time to have a good look at the setup. It all reads as rock solid advice! But... I'm a bit fucking bothered that I can't seem to get temps high enough, rather than be worried about stripping temps outta the box. Granted, I've had a cunt of a week at work and have only been able to check in after lights off (around 6.30pm) and while the humidity now looks pretty good at lights off, the temps are fairly stagnant around 23-26C.
As you can see in the pics, I've raised the height of the light, hoping to encourage little oldmate (day 3) up outta the ground.
I've invested in a pretty decent solar setup for the house, so I'm not bothered at all about energy efficiency. In fact, I'm pleased to see the fucking expensive bastard on the roof finally do some work.
The inline exhaust runs 24/7 at a low setting. The fan blowing onto the ballast is on a 16/8 timer. This is through no research. I just figured it'd give the fan a rest and also allow the wardrobe to sit at a fairly stable temp leading up to lights out and then through the cooler darkness between 5.01pm - 11.15pm-ish (again, please let me know if I have this all wrong). The little fan (drawing air in) at the base of the robe (bottom right) runs 24/7.
Surprisingly, the little Mars Hydro SP150 doesn't exhude as much heat vertically, as I thought it would.
Mate, at the end of the day, this is a really fun process and I really appreciate blokes like you chipping in and suggesting where I can make this a successful first grow.
It sure beats the fuck outta trekking a styro box full of shitty potting mix, water crystals and un-germinated bag seed 1km into the bush and then checking back on it once a fortnight, hoping for the best (which I used to do in my early 20s).
Thanks again for having a good look at the setup mate. I'll be giving that ducting a decent trim, as your observation makes a lot of sense. As does the height of the top fan, blowing any warm air down onto the future canopy.
Anyone suggest a decent Hygrometer that I can setup to track temp and HR remotely?
The one I'm using was a freebie thrown in with the knock-off Spider Farmer Inline Exhaust that I bought from ebay. (tip for any newbie lurkers. Don't buy hydro shit from ebay thinking that you're getting a "deal". It's the same as buying anything from ebay that looks too good to be true. it always turns up as a knock-off).
If you want quality gear, only buy from the genuine suppliers website.
I don't mean to piss in the pockets of the mods, but you've done a bloody great job in getting a few decent sponsors who have in-turn offered decent promo codes.
I wish I had've joined earlier to make the most of them.


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I've raised the height of the light, hoping to encourage little oldmate (day 3) up outta the ground.

Don't do this, the plant will stretch itself to absorb more light and all it achieves is a tall stem with top heavy leaves and eventually lanky plants. It won't make them 'grow' any faster.


^Note how the leaves are right up against the light, long stems weaken the structural integrity of the plants.

If you want stocky bushy plants, keep the light as close as recommended by the manufacturer.

For seedlings the lights don't need to be on full either, if you have a dimmer, set it @ 300 ppfd or anywhere from 200-400, till vegetation; here's a bit of an explanation:

The inline exhaust runs 24/7 at a low setting. The fan blowing onto the ballast is on a 16/8 timer. This is through no research.

That explains a lot, research, research, research.
That's what we're all here right?

Right now, unless your environment is hot and humid, you can get away without fans, this will help keep those temps up too. You have so much 'air' around your seedling and if you leave the doors open you may be able to get away without fans for longer, just place a flat white board to reflect light back in, with some space on top have the space venting to atmosphere.
Keep an eye on temp and humidity and position the probe right near your plants, not up high where the temps can vary greatly.

Mate, at the end of the day, this is a really fun process and I really appreciate blokes like you chipping in and suggesting where I can make this a successful first grow.
It sure beats the fuck outta trekking a styro box full of shitty potting mix, water crystals and un-germinated bag seed 1km into the bush and then checking back on it once a fortnight, hoping for the best (which I used to do in my early 20s).


SWIM has been there too, lol, carrying 25L drums of water into the bush at dusk and having to cover up and smear away footprints upon exit, resetting the bush where you've veered off from kangaroo trails so that it looks untouched.
Those 180 (straightie) bushwalkers and joggers are c*nts, if they notice anything unusual, any sign someone has taken a detour, they'll investigate. I'm sure they get sadistic pleasure out of dobbing in your crop ... or coming back later to steal it for themselves after you've done the hard work.

I guess that's why joggers always find shallow graves and bodies in the bush, lol, which I have to admit is a good thing; the family concerned get closure.

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Anyone suggest a decent Hygrometer that I can setup to track temp and HR remotely?
hey oldmate :)

i've used these ones for a few years now and like them - i buy the cheaper ones that only use bluetooth.


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..... anyone using a hygrometer that you can read remotely? i.e sitting on my arse upstairs watching the footy..
(edit.. sorry 🤦🏻‍♂️.. I've had a few 🍷)
Just noticed @pug 's earlier suggestion
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I've been on the hunt for something similar lately, oldmate. And i've stumbled onto these two that seem to stand out from the bunch..

Possibly the better one is the HTP.xw Sensor. eBay seems to have the best price in Oz.

Then the Govee Wi-Fi Thermo-Hygrometer. Amazon seems to have the best price in Oz.

Can't comment on how well they work, but it's a couple i've been considering of giving a go because i'm in the throws of compiling a new setup.

Hope someone knows of better "off the shelf" devices to check out though.

EDIT: Ahh yes, @pug already plugged the SensorPush. (y)
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Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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..... anyone using a hygrometer that you can read remotely? i.e sitting on my arse upstairs watching the footy..
(edit.. sorry 🤦🏻‍♂️.. I've had a few 🍷)
Just noticed @pug 's earlier suggestion
Inkbird brand from eBay has a remote sensor, but the probe only operates within a few metres distance. Good if you don't want to open the tent to check temp/humidity. It might? operate upstairs if you're almost directly above the grow space? Cost about $30.
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