

Plant of the Month - Sep,2020.
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I recently started Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain all over again after finishing it 7 years ago but this time my challenge is to get speedruns of all 50 missions getting S rank and all objectives in one go. I've done about 46/50 missions and it can get fucking hard sometimes but goddamn it is such a well designed game. I forgot how incredible it is.
that quiet chick helps against those freaky cunts that disappear onya just wish she would stay quiet lol

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Before it's release i always wanted to get Metal Gear Solid V, as i enjoyed some of the previous titles in the series. But was too much of a stinge to pay full price, and was waiting for a decent sale on Steam. I think those bastard strung us tightarse's out for about 5-6 years until it got down to $25-30 (on sale). But as with most folks steam library, it's just sitting there in the list untouched since.

I know a few of us are guilty of acquiring games by other means. But here it, on sale today for $7.23 Bastard's!


Resident Celebrity
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Before it's release i always wanted to get Metal Gear Solid V, as i enjoyed some of the previous titles in the series. But was too much of a stinge to pay full price, and was waiting for a decent sale on Steam. I think those bastard strung us tightarse's out for about 5-6 years until it got down to $25-30 (on sale). But as with most folks steam library, it's just sitting there in the list untouched since.

I know a few of us are guilty of acquiring games by other means. But here it, on sale today for $7.23 Bastard's!
If you need any tips on how to get an S rank with all objectives all in the same mission, I've uploaded all my speedruns on my YouTube channel

I've only got maybe 4 missions left to do but trust me, it will take longer for anyone starting out with the game than it will for me to finish the last 4, even though I've been stuck on the same mission for a week now.

It's such a masterpiece of a game.


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The usual for me lol. Modding Skyrim and cities Skylines. .

Just playing cities atm. Building a little waterfront town. It's a crazy resource hog. This save is already chewing 12.6gb system ram by itself and 18gb pagefile.


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Im into gaming playing mostly Pc everything from 7 days to die, pubg, Ark, gta 5 , battlefield games , call of duty games and a few Adult games lol and im 48 years old I play heaps of others too good fun


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Messing around with cities skylines. If anyone frequents this game, do you have any luck getting population up over 20k? I get to around 15-18k and the drive for residents basically disappears. I'll go up and down between 18-20k for hours. Traffic is ace, leisure is good, land value is good, there is public transport (busses and metro), happiness is over 90% all round but the incoming population drive just fluctuates. Like I'll zone residential, I'll gain a few hundred people per "week" and then after the initial drive of zoning, I'll start losing 100 or so people consistently until I'm back where I started.
Screenshot (128).pngScreenshot (130).png
City just self sustains for hours.


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A couple of years ago I was playing cities heaps. My best city got to 250k pop but I hit 100k on others too. I always found that I was playing catch up with demand for residential zoning to keep up with influx.
I used a mixture of low-high density business and industrial with different focuses, low taxes(easiest way to increase influx) and build attractions and landmarks.
I used to like to try and focus a city on a theme or goal, like low education factory town, tourist traps, etc. I found it helped when planning the city.
I'm not noticing any high density housing in your screenshots. Low density housing with mid-high values don't really attract students and poor people since they can't afford it. Either build some high density housing(usually best around a CBD and public transport) or build a slum. I used to build slums near the garbage tip and factories before unlocking high density.


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A couple of years ago I was playing cities heaps. My best city got to 250k pop but I hit 100k on others too. I always found that I was playing catch up with demand for residential zoning to keep up with influx.
I used a mixture of low-high density business and industrial with different focuses, low taxes(easiest way to increase influx) and build attractions and landmarks.
I used to like to try and focus a city on a theme or goal, like low education factory town, tourist traps, etc. I found it helped when planning the city.
I'm not noticing any high density housing in your screenshots. Low density housing with mid-high values don't really attract students and poor people since they can't afford it. Either build some high density housing(usually best around a CBD and public transport) or build a slum. I used to build slums near the garbage tip and factories before unlocking high density.
I think the most I've had was around 65k so far an I just get strange fluctuations in population all of a sudden . I haven't even used any of the specialist options yet for commercial, industrial, or any of the DLC zoning options such as the parks, plazas or campus shit either...I just don't think I'm placing enough shit quick enough, and demand never really gets over half.

I think I just have to be more aggressive with the zoning, but I never really get over half demand and it disappears quickly if I zone high density some reason. If I zone too much I lose demand for ages.

Looking into it, it seems to be an issue with a rebalanced life cycle mod I'm using that's making it take quite a while to educate/age citizens and the high density residential isn't leveling up at all.

I remember being able to get bigger cities a while back, but now I'm facing exiles of 400-500 people for here and there, and no-ones really educated. Something definitely up this round as I basically didn't get any industrial demand at all until I got high density which makes me think there's a conflict with mod settings. I'm suddenly getting way more commercial demand at first, and only getting industrial demand once I get a good influx from high density zoning which is odd.

Think I'll uninstall the lifecycle mod and see if shit goes back to normal. Seems to have an odd effect on demand as well.


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I'm inclined to think its a mod causing the issue too.
I only used a couple of QoL mods. Worst issues I had with the game were death waves causing sudden drops in workers and managing traffic.
Ended up getting sick of optimising traffic routes.
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