Fucking Fencehoppers


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Used to know one old paranoid bloke that would embed razor blades vertically near the base of the stem for those that liked to rip plants.

I was on a job down the Gold coast canals a fair while ago.. mabye 20 years.

the front fence was around 1.5m tall. brick construction, then rendered. The top of the wall had broken bits of glass bottles embedded in it. so you wanna climb it, you will cut yaself up in the dark.

When I moved in to my first place in brisbane suburbs in the 90's. the weatherboard house had home made metal bars over every window... no cunt is getting in or out of the place.

Crime has always been an issue.... we just got way more avenues to see it nowdays...

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Aye Shroomer

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Rat bags kids everywhere

Wife’s drivers window got smashed the other month. Parked in driveway but we have no front fence.
Mums car got the same treatment a couple of weeks later.

We have a rottie so hopefully if the ever tried to jump over to the back yard they would get a fright.

Harry bootlace

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Damn. Hopefully amounts to nothing.

We have new neighbours. Old ones were ancient and never went down the back which is near where my plants are. New ones go down and pick grapes off the vine growing on the bordering fence.

Too close for my comfort but hopefully they won’t be too nosey.
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