FREE Female seeds. #### FREE ####

Aye Shroomer

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Yeah, it looks as if we've got bugger all choice but to look within our own borders these days. The fuckers are too good at this game now.

In fact, I recently had a mower part arrive from the states and for some reason it went through Sydney and Brisbane customs. Fuck know why, but that tidbit was noted in the tracking info.
Yeah I bought a NFL jersey and went to 4 different places in the US then two different states in Oz before arriving to my place.

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Yeah, mine went on a bit of a tour as well, mate. I just posted a screenshot of the journey it took before it lobbed (in my previous post). Sad part is, it took a week to arrive from the States, but if i was to order it at a local mower retailer here in Oz they said it could easily be a month away. Third World Countries, make room for us..


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Inducing Polyploid traits is widely believed to be toxic, (at least for the first generation) and does not represent as a dominant trait in future progeny reliably for any of the desired traits at least.

Sometimes it shows up in a branch of a commercial strain that a breeder may have fucked with way way back

It is a form of GMO


The Dwarf Hermie King
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Inducing Polyploid traits is widely believed to be toxic, (at least for the first generation) and does not represent as a dominant trait in future progeny reliably for any of the desired traits at least.

Sometimes it shows up in a branch of a commercial strain that a breeder may have fucked with way way back

It is a form of GMO
Toxic and GMO. Explain how!!


Plant of the Month - Sep,2020.
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Be careful what you wish for



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GMO by treating a seed even before it has germinated with a toxic chemical to produce a random response in genetic formation (some will be desirable and some not so much)

Toxic for consumption is subjective however some of the stuff I have read dating back quite a while regards that plants from first generation seeds should not be consumed

Red Eye Hero

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Toxic and GMO. Explain how!!
Not enough research to say that it’s dangerous a lot of shit is GMO Genetically modified organism there’s a company that’s doing research on GMO weed Cann10
Good read here all about it


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I mean GMO is technically what humans have been doing for a long time by Genetically Modifying Organisms by selective breeding.

Not saying Cannabis needs any of this nonsense with chemical induced polyploidy, just GMO is a wide netting term.

What cannabis needs are proper breeders putting in the hard work with very large populations breeding true to type varieties. So we the consumer can eventually buy a packet of 100 seeds for a couple of bucks that produce consistent true to type varieties

Not tent growers growing sub 10 plants every generation picking the the 2 'best parents' and flogging the offspring off as premium artisanal varieties with a rich mythical history and charging an arm and a leg. There's more money to be made one way and the consumers are the losers.

GO Team!


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Just for discussion purpose..

So I have sampled 7 THC medial dispensed types, they are all recreational strains. Most of them from my experience are somewhat what they are supposed to be but as most of us apart from @Porky could grow better ourselves

Thy hybrid revolution as it stands does just dilute things I guess?
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