Cheers Porky. Yep, TSE has heaps of great pollen chuckers. Lots of recent members have also started playing with STS, and by mid next year there will be heaps more Aussies playing with Feminised pollen. That's great news !! Anyway, I'll pop my next round of seeds in 3 weeks, as I've now got empty veg tents. I'm bringing forward a 2023 pollen chuck project due to punter demand. I was going to finish this current round, and have a month break after Xmas. BUT,
@Mellow oldfark is keen on the taste of Super Lemon Haze, so it's now top of the short list. I'll also pop another 4 strains from the selection below
View attachment 27735 Crescendo is 'supposedly' the Ethos heavy hitter, so that's my personal pollen chuck pick for the upcoming round.
We're not here to fuck spiders !! Lol.