Flushing Plants Before Harvest Is Unnecessary says Rx Green Tech


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Some of the shit I've seen over the years makes me smile. This dude who lived in my shed a few years s back used to cut each branch off the plant right at the main stem, put them stem down in hot water for an hour and then tie them to a bike wheel attached to a DC motor which would spin at a relatively slow speed. Enough to "push all the THC to the biggest bud tips" through centrifugal force apparently lol.

Apparently the hot water "expanded the plants capillarity" and "made it easier for all the THC to make its way to the tips".

Never bothered to inform him how and where cannabinoids form as it would mean spending more time with him.
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Hehe, someone told me just a couple of years ago that you can help a plant flower by putting it in a fridge overnight. I just nodded and said "cool, i have never tried that" They said "yeah, that's why all the best shit comes from down south" Don't bother explaining to these people how it actually works because they get upset.
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