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Couldn't afford to be as choosy as I am grateful to be now.

I have been smoking 10 times longer than I been growing.

Smoked plenty of junk grown in all mediums from all manner of DC's.

As everybody does when they on the pgr streets

What's why any weed grown well and clean is good weed no matter the Medium, lights, nutes etc.

I'm certainly on the organic side of things now but only thing worse than a DC is a preachy organic DC.

But any clean Dwc or Coco, hydro, whatever, I'll smoke it.

Won't smoke pgr anymore though

If I hadn't seen such riches I could live with being poor

Deleted member cpr

It's good that you now know about the stuff oz. Its normally behind the counter of most hydro shops and goes by many names. If you're offered a really expensive booster to be used in the first few weeks of flowering then be suspicious.

Pedro de pacas

FIGJAM - Artisan of Bullshit.
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i saw Primus back in Brisbane in 1995, the Alternative Nation festival, was some big name bands were playing aswell, Smashing Pumkins, Tool,Pennywise, even Ice T :p

90s were the best decade for music...
no surprise there Dotts, although I thought it would of been the 70's,
ya could of been Disco Dotts

Disco is not really music, and your not really Dotts ..................................... lol


HPS turncoat
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no surprise there Dotts, although I thought it would of been the 70's,
ya could of been Disco Dotts

Disco is not really music, and your not really Dotts ..................................... lol
wish i saw that thread :D


Resident Celebrity
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Ha, Ha... how could you say that about Colonel Les Claypool and his Fearless Flying Frog Brigade... cooked or not he makes some bloody good music. Primus isn't even the weirdest of his projects
LOL, don't get me wrong, I'm not shitting on him. I've seen them twice, once at the Enmore and some other place on George St.

As far as musical geniuses go though, I think Trent Reznor outshines Les.


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i saw Primus back in Brisbane in 1995, the Alternative Nation festival, was some big name bands were playing aswell, Smashing Pumkins, Tool,Pennywise, even Ice T :p

90s were the best decade for music...
Nice, that was my first time seeing Primus too.... hadn't even herd of them to that point and was a bit confused that the entire crowd was chanting "Primus Suck, Primus Suck" :LOL:

That was the best line up of any festival I've been too, I'm yet to see a better one since. 90% headliner acts (Though Ice T was definitely out of place, I think he was just there because Body Count were playing) with the likes of Cosmic Pychos, Dreamkillers, Nitocris, BUDD, Regurgitator, Spiderbait & Powderfinger (before they got soft) as local acts. All at the bargain price of $70 for 3 days! (with the courier mail coupon). It was supposed to be an annual festival too, not sure what happened there :(

LOL, don't get me wrong, I'm not shitting on him. I've seen them twice, once at the Enmore and some other place on George St.

As far as musical geniuses go though, I think Trent Reznor outshines Les.
Ha, ha... no I got what you were ment, you said it like a fan ;). As for Trent Reznor, didn't rate him at first... it was his performance at the above mentioned Alternative Nation Festival in '95 that convinced me of his genius... that was an amazing NIN performance :D
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PGR is the reason I got back into growing. My regular guy was always solid until there was a bit of a dry spell and he sold me a bag of that shit. That was the push I needed to set up a little grow space and I haven’t looked back.

Funny thing is that it’s very dry again atm and he ended up buying it back off me (I’d put it away for desperate times).

The only way to get rid of the PGR is for Canberra to decriminalise cannabis but they’re in bed with big pharma so we’re fucked.
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Viet death weed profits are turned straight around to import pre curser chemicals pseudo ephedrine etc or whatever they can get in to the cuntry.
Actually it's a wonder we're not getting flooded with fentanol, oh that's right we run a bit behind USA .give it 5 years. ✌🏻
True Oldfark, that fentanol stuff was what killed Prince, and a few other celbs probably also. The Viet gangs are as bad as the bikies with the pgr weed, probably lace it next with fentanol. I always make sure i get bushweed (grown outdoors), they got hydro also, but outside Nimbin, probably hard to get it on the market.
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