Exploring doses in edibles


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The Mrs has planned a "Girls' weekend" this weekend on top of our Mountain & I offered to make a batch of Triple-Choc. Fudge Brownies for them to enjoy around the bonfire.

For some obscure reason, they're hesitant & are asking for takeaways......???

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'Had a chat with my Sis. earlier about pain relief & sleep, so I'm doing a large batch of cap's for her (& others.....).


A mixture of Charlotte's Angel that I grew for her years ago (no THC, maybe 15% CBD) Wonder Woman (her favourite smoke), mixed stuff that I deliberately turned into a CBN infusion a few years ago & some Critical Orange Punch leftovers from a previous cap's batch infusion.

All-up, there's about 500g, but shouldn't be incapacitating when spread into about 3000 caps.

I'm calling this experiment the "Wodonga Womble"o_O

Goonie Goat

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'Had a chat with my Sis. earlier about pain relief & sleep, so I'm doing a large batch of cap's for her (& others.....).

View attachment 57332

A mixture of Charlotte's Angel that I grew for her years ago (no THC, maybe 15% CBD) Wonder Woman (her favourite smoke), mixed stuff that I deliberately turned into a CBN infusion a few years ago & some Critical Orange Punch leftovers from a previous cap's batch infusion.

All-up, there's about 500g, but shouldn't be incapacitating when spread into about 3000 caps.

I'm calling this experiment the "Wodonga Womble"o_O
You are a good bro!
I've recently just purchased some cheap Harlequin seeds.. needed some CBD stuff in my seed collection


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You are a good bro!
I've recently just purchased some cheap Harlequin seeds.. needed some CBD stuff in my seed collection
She was on STUPID/RIDICULOUS amounts of Oxy (prescribed, of course..) until I was able to obtain & grow something for her that turned the corner. Needless to say, Customs screwed the original plan until I was able to get something through.

She now uses negligible Oxy & hasn't asked me for smokable stuff for ages. The cap's I provide her WORK!!!

I ordered Harlequin for her & still have them in my arsenal, but in the meantime, what I've cooked/capped up for her from the popcorn buds from my own grows keeps her off the prescribed shit & (ironically) her GP knows all about it & is 100% on-board with it.:D


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I’ve always been interested in and enjoyed edibles, and have started exploring dosages and recipes again.
As one volcano or mighty + capsule usually doses me quite well if high Thc, I aimed to replicate that. It’s easy making very strong edibles and having to halve or quarter a treat is something I want to avoid.
Red gummies are test zero batch. Gold ones are pineapple coconut flavoured gummies (pineapple gelatine, infused coconut oil and pineapple coconut juice). Tiny hint of canna flavour but good taste.
My calcs were 3 would equal a vape cap.
So on an empty tummy with coffee, 3 have induced brain stretch within 30 minutes. Almost fours later pleasantly ripped. At about 350 gummies, should be about 100 doses. Next batch will be various strength’s of concentrate gummies. I’ll add some estimates of dosage later.
All I do know is buy the good old mint leaves and hard or soft jubes or any of the sugar-coated lollies like trolli worms etc. Put them in a strainer over a container and pour my tincture over them let them dry and coat them in castor sugar so they don't stick together and done. Taste is far superior than home made ones and you can leave them in a hot car without them melting on you.

afghan bob

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She was on STUPID/RIDICULOUS amounts of Oxy (prescribed, of course..) until I was able to obtain & grow something for her that turned the corner. Needless to say, Customs screwed the original plan until I was able to get something through.

She now uses negligible Oxy & hasn't asked me for smokable stuff for ages. The cap's I provide her WORK!!!

I ordered Harlequin for her & still have them in my arsenal, but in the meantime, what I've cooked/capped up for her from the popcorn buds from my own grows keeps her off the prescribed shit & (ironically) her GP knows all about it & is 100% on-board with it.:D
A known fact is the right amount of THC, CBD, CBG mixed in right amounts 4 the person consuming, can actually reduce or even stop the amount of opiates used by that individual....Fact i tells ya


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3 x 500g jars from this batch so far:
Each one of them should yield 700+ caps, but I'm not done yet......

Since I'm doing such a large batch & there's still a lot of goodies left in the oil-infused buds, I've dumped them into my big slow-cooker with a heap of water & set it to go overnight.


I wouldn't normally do this in summer, but since I've got a large amount of bulk material, it makes sense to do it now & get it out of the way, rather than freeze it for later processing. I hate wasting stuff.....

The residual oil in the solids should separate & float to the surface in a clean layer, leaving the spent vegetable matter & water in the bottom.

This is normally a Winter thing, as I just put the pot outside to cool & solidify. 'Might have to use the beer fridge this time.

Any solids remaining in the solidified oil are easily separated with a bit of re-heat & a sieve.


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I read back a bit, but not sure. What’s in the 3 jars, tincture?
Don’t the caps melt?
It’s good to get a good work flow👍
This is a batch of bulk coconut oil infusion for my Sis. in order to make Cannacaps. The contents of the jars will be packaged into individual gel-caps in batches of 100 at a time (all my machines will handle). I can normally process 400 in one sitting before my eyesight & manual dexterity deteriorate....
Product testing/sampling & quality control etc. must be observed....:giggle:

The cap's don't melt if you keep them refrigerated. I freeze them on a plate as soon as they're filled & then keep them in the fridge. No problems with melting.
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