Easy as organics

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Sultan Of Soil
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@Donothing-garden what would you recommend as a mulch layer for your soil?
hi mate
i'm sure DNG will chime in with his ideas , sorry to butt in

if your talking dry mulch then look into a mix of alfalfa/lucerne hay & barley straw , they work pretty well

pot size is contributing factor though , both hay & straw , well allot of things used for mulch are dry
with smaller amounts of soil its hard to keep the moisture consistent enough to keep those dry ingredients
braking down as you would like

if your talking living mulch then look into dichondra ( the greener version not so much the silvery / green one )
mixed in with some grasses , rye , oat & barley , dichondra is a perennial that's a low growing ground cover
fairly shallow rooted that's happy in full sun or part shade , the grasses are a little more deeper rooted & offer
a diverse set of microbes they attract to there root system / pots soil life

pot size is still a factor = larger soil volumes the better
will also add blumats can help with consistent moister in pots = happier healthier soil life = happier healthier plants

Am I right to ask you the difference between your product and another I'm using at the moment?
i'm sure if you ask some general questions you might have about general soil mixes & there uses
i'm sure DNG would be happy to discuss with u GK
i would think talking about a competitors product is prob not considered kosher

Ganja Kaiser

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it really is the only real way to find out

who's product are you currently using

what is the difference you wanted to ask about
Nothing really related to performance as such. Being inexperienced I just wanted to know what the difference (if any) is between Gro-Dirt and EAO Living Soil. I think they're both living soil? I'd just like to give my plants the best soil I can and Gro-Dirt seems to be working really well for me (first grow). But I'm 100% open to trying other products.

I'm curious about using organic nutrients in the future - so not sure if I should even be mixing them with living soils like GD or EAO.

Anyway - I'm going to grab a couple of bags like I said and see for myself. :)


Sultan Of Soil
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Nothing really related to performance as such. Being inexperienced I just wanted to know what the difference (if any) is between Gro-Dirt and EAO Living Soil. I think they're both living soil? I'd just like to give my plants the best soil I can and Gro-Dirt seems to be working really well for me (first grow). But I'm 100% open to trying other products.

I'm curious about using organic nutrients in the future - so not sure if I should even be mixing them with living soils like GD or EAO.

Anyway - I'm going to grab a couple of bags like I said and see for myself. :)
hi GK
gro-dirt has quite a list of ingredients used in there full spectrum soil mix , i didn't read all the info but i'll assume they did soil/compost testing at a lab

for the most part it's the compost used that'll make the biggest difference to a soil mix i reckon
this mix mentions all the good stuff like vermi & biodynamic compost , i'm not much of a fan of using
manures unless you know where they come from , it seems they know the source of there's , which is good
it takes time & allot of work to produce good thermophilic compost , which could be the reason why gro-dirt soil mix is currently out of stock

the 2 mixes i would suggest are going to be much the same imo , i'm sure M from EAO would like to say his has the edge as would the gro-dirt guys
but on the smaller scale we're talking bout i'd say they'd be pretty much the same , i haven't used gro-dirt but i have used EAO's mix a number of times

the main things that'll make a difference to these soils performing well is , first off you , the grower , second , amount of soil you use to grow
in ( pot size ) & third moisture levels = think little red goldilocks sheila & the 3 little blind mice , too hot , too cold , ahh just right :unsure: you know what i mean :D

my suggestion is use water only ( rain if poss ) as a soil drench along with the odd diy compost extract if you have good compost / more soil mix
& setup a good foiliar regime for ipm & extra nutrition


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Itchy is on point as usual. Sorry, I literally know absolutely nothing about my competitors soil mixes. I can tell you all about mine though. I've sent batch samples to labs in the USA and local (compliance reasons) so many times this year to dial in our nutrient balance and target levels. I'd like to think it's pretty banging now. Collecting more and more data as a result and I'm starting to get a clear picture of what works and what doesn't.
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