Easy as organics


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Mate 90% of people in this country are not using it as a medicine they are using so they don't have to buy garbage PGR cannabis off the streets!!
So no I don't think my tax dollars should be subsidising other stoners to get stoned cheaply!!
For the 10% who are genuinely using this as a legitimate medicine I feel sorry for them it's so expensive!!
I agree, those 10% are getting screwed on price though

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Anytime I say anything here I tend to get dumped on... I don't take it personally. Ive been totally transparent about being a business owner, naturally I'm into organics and you're right, I'm trying to sell that view. Definitely not out to offend anyone in the process and I apologise if I come across that way. When I'm told to "fuck off" and every other insult I can think of for sharing some stuff on this website, maybe I've responded to that in a somewhat defensive manner that has come across as condescending. Again, apologies if that's offended you or anyone else.

Fuck off with the apologies, it's meaningless because you break back into your same bullshit soon thereafter. If you're genuine. Change you approach where you don't portray others in a bad light to make yourself or your opinion look good.

That might get people like me off your case.


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Fuck off with the apologies, it's meaningless because you break back into your same bullshit soon thereafter. If you're genuine. Change you approach where you don't portray others in bad light to make yourself or your opinion look good.

That might get people like me off your case.
I'm happy to fuck off. And will do.


The Dwarf Hermie King
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I agree, those 10% are getting screwed on price though
Yeah the fact you can ring a so called "doctor" and tell some bullshit story about a sore back or can't sleep properly and then be prescribed cannabis grown by big pharma is nothing but a profit based model!!
So yeah fuck subsidising those cunts!!
Didn't mean you fuck off personally!! 🤣


The man your mother warned you about.
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Been a salt man for decades,,Salts grow good dope.


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Fuck off with the apologies, it's meaningless because you break back into your same bullshit soon thereafter. If you're genuine. Change you approach where you don't portray others in a bad light to make yourself or your opinion look good.

That might get people like me off your cas

Yeah the fact you can ring a so called "doctor" and tell some bullshit story about a sore back or can't sleep properly and then be prescribed cannabis grown by big pharma is nothing but a profit based model!!
So yeah fuck subsidising those cunts!!
Didn't mean you fuck off personally!! 🤣
Gotcha lol

Harry bootlace

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Gotcha lol
I think you come across as nothing but polite and helpful and enthusiastic.

Regarding organic, I’m in two minds as I don’t like the use of animal products, I mainly grow organic with compost and seasol seaweed only. Last season I tried a non organic fertiliser early on but didn’t keep it up. So not strictly organic this time, plus my house was owned by an old Italian bloke who loved to garden so the soil most certainly had fertilisers used liberally.

Re Medicare. Course it should be subsidised like other meds, people also abuse it with all sorts of meds, pain killers, benzos etc etc.

But if I had a choice I’d make dentists be able to bulk bill and get our teeth fixed.


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I think you come across as nothing but polite and helpful and enthusiastic.

Regarding organic, I’m in two minds as I don’t like the use of animal products, I mainly grow organic with compost and seasol seaweed only. Last season I tried a non organic fertiliser early on but didn’t keep it up. So not strictly organic this time, plus my house was owned by an old Italian bloke who loved to garden so the soil most certainly had fertilisers used liberally.

Re Medicare. Course it should be subsidised like other meds, people also abuse it with all sorts of meds, pain killers, benzos etc etc.

But if I had a choice I’d make dentists be able to bulk bill and get our teeth fixed.
Cheers mate. For your potting mix nutrients you can use plant based meals for NPK and microbe food. I use fish meal but that can easily be replaced with soybean meal/insect Frass/Neem meal/Lucerne meal and I'm sure plenty of other nutrient dense plant based meals.


Sultan Of Soil
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this place can get out of hand at times to the point i get lost for words

we moved from oz stoners because of being over policed but here we are & i have no idea what people are reading that causes the reaction it does , it has the feel of a monty python's paid argument skit

it's cool to be passionate about what you believe in but when your passion tries to rip someones head off & shit down there neck you might need to consider keeping your passion in check otherwise we could find ourselves here on our own



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Yeah no till which has somehow become "organic" now would be far cheaper in the long run especially if running DTW!!
Do you know if the company using your soil will remove all the roots from the beds before planting again or just chop and plant the next lot??
I use the same amount of nutes for DTW as what I do DWC. I'm mixing up 80 litre res every 7 to 8 days I let em go 10 max and I use around that less when there small


The Dwarf Hermie King
User ID
I think you come across as nothing but polite and helpful and enthusiastic.

Regarding organic, I’m in two minds as I don’t like the use of animal products, I mainly grow organic with compost and seasol seaweed only. Last season I tried a non organic fertiliser early on but didn’t keep it up. So not strictly organic this time, plus my house was owned by an old Italian bloke who loved to garden so the soil most certainly had fertilisers used liberally.

Re Medicare. Course it should be subsidised like other meds, people also abuse it with all sorts of meds, pain killers, benzos etc etc.

But if I had a choice I’d make dentists be able to bulk bill and get our teeth fixed.
Yes it should be subsidised for those that genuinely need it!!
Personally outside this forum I know 7 people who buy medical cannabis and not 1 of them has a health condition that it's supposed to be helping!! It's a scam by big pharma to make money of something that only they are allowed to grow and sell because of their lobbying power!!
It's the epitome of cornering a market and I think it's disgusting!!
So I don't think it should be subsidised because people are abusing the system all be it a very flawed system!
Yes I agreed dental should be brought back to Medicare and so should bulk billing for everyone way before stoners can buy subsidised cannabis!!


Sultan Of Soil
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unfortunately @Porky the world is full of people that will take advantage whenever possible , i run out of fingers & toes to count the amount of people i know of over the years that have got the dole or disability pension that don't need it


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I can definitely taste the difference @Old fox , specifically grown in easy as organics compared to hydro nutes.... That was a water only grow, which cant really be compared with adding nutrients to a soil grow and expecting it to taste different, yeah?

And agree @itchybro , the fuck is wrong with some of the comments in this thread. @Indy what the fuck is your problem? At least provide some basis for ya shit talk.?


The Dwarf Hermie King
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I can definitely taste the difference @Old fox , specifically grown in easy as organics compared to hydro nutes.... That was a water only grow, which cant really be compared with adding nutrients to a soil grow and expecting it to taste different, yeah?

And agree @itchybro , the fuck is wrong with some of the comments in this thread. @Indy what the fuck is your problem? At least provide some basis for ya shit talk.?
If your saying you could tell the difference between 2 clones one grown in "organic" and one in some other medium your kidding ya self!! 🤣


The Dwarf Hermie King
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I can definitely taste the difference @Old fox , specifically grown in easy as organics compared to hydro nutes.... That was a water only grow, which cant really be compared with adding nutrients to a soil grow and expecting it to taste different, yeah?

And agree @itchybro , the fuck is wrong with some of the comments in this thread. @Indy what the fuck is your problem? At least provide some basis for ya shit talk.?
I was also wondering why Indy had so much sand in his vagina! 🤔


The Dwarf Hermie King
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Is anybody affected by the 2gr a day Max for MC ?

For some reason they felt a need to do this , but surely this isn't how medicines should be limited

It seems its being regulated by the TGA without regard to the affects on patients
Fuck your a glutten mate!! 🤣
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