Domestic Seed Sources - Australia


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I didn't have a problem with ABBs Ethos breeder packs, haven't ordered or tried any of their other shit yet
Are they back open or are we getting Aussie Baked Beans and Mr Beans Baked Collectables mixed up? Ethos Memberberry was great from ABB

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Nah all good, nice fresh beans simply shipped in ziplock baggies, padded envelopes. tracked with unrelated sender details. No chance of anyone knowing what it is.

No idea of breeder/genetics (I never asked either mind you, possibly his own) but so far all have been stable fems, no herms. Never tried his autos. When he first started up he even had pay pal for a while so very legit. Happy growing
I've stalked his site a few times never pulled the trigger on any though what was the results like are they quality genetics
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I've stalked his site a few times never pulled the trigger on any though what was the results like are they quality genetics
The site is a bit glitchy too. As for genetics, I havent been growing long enough to rate them, but the best buds ive grown to date came from their Gelatos. Shits over seedstocker crap and is stable.


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Beware.. caveman gone to ground with the loot.
Will not respond. My guess. Bu$Ted.
Anyone know of any news bout that?

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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Beware.. caveman gone to ground with the loot.
Will not respond. My guess. Bu$Ted.
Anyone know of any news bout that?
Your money is gone - he's busted. Go to jail. Go directly to jail. Do not pass go, and do not collect $200. 🤫. Maybe try asking at your local police station if cops will give your money back. 😅


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For some reason all cg emails/tracking etc went to my spam folder.
I got the confirmation email (that was in spam) but no tracking yet. it was late Tuesday, so maybe a few more days then. Just a bit nervous after caveman but if not affiliated with them it should be ok


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Caveman was pricey but always delivered the goods.
Shame he gone. I never had any issues, seems weird though as site still up an running. Must be over seas, if he busted you would think they would shut it as he does sell legit goods eg jumpers, shirts. So if someone places an order to buy a shirt an then get ripped that will only lead to problems. Beans I understand but shirts or shit. Meh.. . If they busted it an kept it running that seems a little fetched. Regardless of what he sells otherwise. So therefore he either just foxin or it's overseas. But I'm definatley no expert on these matters.


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It's odd the beans are still there... initially the listings showing plants were removed leaving only a few but then more listings were added.. doesn't make much sense?!?!

The non THC edibles and drinks he has listed are also a bit strange, Kava and Melatonin, the later is prescription medicine


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It's strange. Like I said he been solid in past an never an issue.
But the def something goin down with him. What who knows.
I stocked up when he was good. Make hay while the sun shines I say..
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