Darkness before the chop


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I’ve read in many places that putting your plants in complete darkness before the chop can increase THC and terpine production. Like most theories of this nature there are arguments on both sides. I came across this video that has actual scientific testing done. Anyone had any experience themselves with this technique?

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I haven't watched the video yet however from my point of view, if they've spent 8-10 weeks producing trichomes, would a day or two of darkness really make a difference?

For example, it reminds me of tech spec enthusiasts, they'll read a spec sheet saying the CPU has 0.3GHz more than another CPU, or a phones camera has 0.8 Megapixels than another phone and they claim it's better but if they were to do a side by side test, could they really tell the difference?

So let's put it in stoner terms. Give these people the same bud grown with and without the final dark period. I don't think anyone would be able to tell the difference. So in the end it's up to you what you do.


Plant of the Month - Sep,2020.
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I have read this before too Maybe at the end of ya next grow put one plant in the dark before harvest and compare the results???
Only way to find out 4 sure I reckon (y)


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I’ve given plants 72 hrs dark at the end and noticed varying results in some seeming to have more resin on the buds and some with no change .
i think strain and possibly environment are variables.


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Yeah right, I agree 100% with his final statement, you gotta do this test multiple ways to get any real informations.

I've tried, forgot n tried a few times, same as holding back on water. My goto buds are as good as it gets and I can't tell shit difference when it hits the pipe.


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The end results were less than 1 percent difference of THC But the terpines did seem to change over time. Personally I don’t think i would be able to tell much difference tbh. It would be an important issue though if you were a medical grower/supplier to reach the absolute max potential of your grow.
I do find all the new research in growing cannabis really interesting that is now happening especially in the USA. Kind of myth-busting a lot of the bro-science you see on the forums. If I had more of a controlled environment (especially temperature) I would do a side by side test for myself for sure.


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Imo the hrs darkness b4 chop really hasn't much to do with resin or terpine production
Its done for other reasons


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I give them their last plain water then lights out for 72hrs. Seems to give them a bit more fullness during harvest and they don't dry as quickly. As to whether they are more potent I'm not sure but they sure do glisten when I open the tent.


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I give them their last plain water then lights out for 72hrs. Seems to give them a bit more fullness during harvest and they don't dry as quickly. As to whether they are more potent I'm not sure but they sure do glisten when I open the tent.
I'm guessing you'd leave the fans on the maintain some air circulation mate?


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1 of the reasons I do it ,although not that long I've found that as long as its more than 12hrs , is during light hours the plant is producing food at night time it uses that food
So the theory is that you'll get a cleaner smoother smoke
Also maybe not the production of more resin or terpines but more being able to maximise the retention of them during harvest and drying
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