Curing timing question ......


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Yeah, that's where i think i might give the Integra Boost 55's a go. Just to use with jars that have been opened. Because i tend to pack 2oz in medium sized jars, and they're pretty tightly packed at that, so these 'packs' wouldn't be of much use.

During my research today. I did notice that the Integra Boost mob has a Terpene Essentials range. It'd interesting to see how that pans out among folks over time.

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Vacuum bags , 1 or 2 Oz bags

Just don't overkill on the Vacuum

As soon as all the air is out stop before it gets to tight

If they been dried and a 2 week cure , depending on ambient conditions, they be just fine

I kept them like that for a couple of yrs , they come out as they go in
Just store in a preferred cool dry and dark space , a box in the bottom of cupboard


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I reckon the different RH% packs is personal preference combined with consumption method. I vape and the 62% is best for flavour and smoothness, but 58% is not bad either. My joint smoking buddy likes the 55% best and 58% next. He says the drier 55% smokes better.

Sun Ra

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Boveda 62 were designed for cigars ,,and personaly I prefer my weed slightly dryer ,,Integra not only have 62 s but 55 s and work the best for me,
also remember talk of rehydrating bovedas which I intend on trying with some that got sent to me that are dry and lumpy inside.

These Integra 55s I’ve had since before COVID .still feel like jelly inside.View attachment 29338
Great idea guys. Just bought some. Thanks !


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I use both boveda and the Integra ones and I find there is a difference with the boveda one can leave a bit too much moisture and the Integra which I prefer can sometimes take a bit too much moisture out but overall they have both saved me from certain bud rot/moldy buds death ☮️🤣 every jar has a pack now..
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