Curing timing question ......

Sun Ra

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Seems I will need to go to Melbourne mid-Feb. My plants I'm thinking of chopping mid January.

I'm confident after a light wet trim, I'll hang them for a week then full trim, then paper bag them for a week,
then into jars burping them a couple of times a day for 2 weeks.

Then I have to go. Do you think this will be OK ? I will be away for 2 to 3 weeks. Will the weed be OK sitting in
jars for 2 to 3 weeks, 4 weeks into being cut / curing ?

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Hard to say, mate. Most times we dry 'n cure a crop you'll find one crop can be quite different to another. But here's a couple of numbers to aim for..

As Pikey mentioned, around 60%RH is a good number to start to throw it in jars for the cure, and if you can store it around 17-22 celsius to minimise the breakdown of THC/CBD.

Just for a instance though. When i pulled my last crop, we had good rain for a week which kept the RH above 80% for that time which makes it really hard to dry freshly pulled plants. Fortunately though i did have a Room Dehumidifier (450-500 Watts) and i used it for those first five days, and that turned out to be drying them just where i wanted it. I'd say though, if i didn't have the Dehumidifier, the chances of losing the crop would've greatly increased along with my stress levels.

The crop before that, i dried them in a well ventilated attic during times of drought (low RH), and those were done within 4 days. So yeah, you have a bit of that fluctuation going on in QLD (at least), so it comes down to what you're dealing with i find.

If i was to suggest something. Maybe consider purchasing Govee WiFi Thermometer Hygrometer for reasons i mentioned here.

Once you've got it hooked up via the app and home network. Put one in the top of one of the jars and you'll be able to monitor it from Melbourne or elsewhere, if you still have some concerns.


Sun Ra

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The stupid idea has even occurred to me that I should bring the jars with me for the trip just to be sure but
would hate to have some weird issue with coppers during the trip. I probably will not do this. (?) Also slightly
worried about getting burgled while I'm away and the pricks finding my stash and taking that as well. Paranoia.


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I was keen to try them. But i read that they harden off and no longer beneficial after 12months?

They harden off if they are "used up". I keep some flower in a pint-size jar and take buds from that daily. This pack will harden in a 2-6 months, because it gets exposed to whatever humidity is in my house daily. But I keep the bulk of my flower in big-ass jars with bail lids, 5L I think. If I don't open those jars often after curing and have the correct size Boveda, they've lasted as long as I asked them too. I think my longest is about 18mons unopened and the Boveda felt like new when I did open it.

There is alternative brand that provides the same type of product. White package with blue & black logo, but I can't remember the brand name. They work just as good and sometimes are a bit cheaper. I get what is available and mix & match to suit the situation.

I'm sold on these Boveda type packs. There are some people who claim they lose aroma using them. I don't feel that is happening to my stash. I think some people open their jars often and lose the dank this way. I avoid that issue by using the bulk storage jar and daily jar system. Your mileage may vary....


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Is this them bro? Cheaper than Boveda and they last alot longer


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I was keen to try them. But i read that they harden off and no longer beneficial after 12months?

They only harden off if you over dry the buds, yeah? As buds draw moisture from the bovedas.. . But I guess over time they can’t be expected to last forever.

They are cheap insurance though and I recommend them.

If ya get real short of time @Sun Ra , chop the plants and chuck them in a deep freeze. :)


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They only harden off if you over dry the buds, yeah? As buds draw moisture from the bovedas.. . But I guess over time they can’t be expected to last forever.

You'd think so, but i've never had one in the hand to check them out. One tit bit i did fail to find with them, is what range do they work within. As you say, if the weed is over dry it'd probably draw moisture out of the pack. But on the other hand, how much can they absorb if the weed is too wet.

When i researched them, most info i read about them comes across as a sales pitch, and there's very little factual information about them apart from what size packs to use. Which is the reason i wasn't fully convinced to make the jump over to them just yet, and still utilising old school techniques for now.

What @veritas629 posted above has been about the best bit of info i have come across to date. (y)


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You'd think so, but i've never had one in the hand to check them out. One tit bit i did fail to find with them, is what range do they work within. As you say, if the weed is over dry it'd probably draw moisture out of the pack. But on the other hand, how much can they absorb if the weed is too wet.

When i researched them, most info i read about them comes across as a sales pitch, and there's very little factual information about them apart from what size packs to use. Which is the reason i wasn't fully convinced to make the jump over to them just yet, and still utilising old school techniques for now.

What @veritas629 posted above has been about the best bit of info i have come across to date. (y)

I’ve been using them for years… I believe they are useful.

But you do you and keep researching 👍


The man your mother warned you about.
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Boveda 62 were designed for cigars ,,and personaly I prefer my weed slightly dryer ,,Integra not only have 62 s but 55 s and work the best for me,
also remember talk of rehydrating bovedas which I intend on trying with some that got sent to me that are dry and lumpy inside.

These Integra 55s I’ve had since before COVID .still feel like jelly inside.image.jpg


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I believe they harden when they've donated too much moisture to your buds. I'm not sure what happens if they are constantly removing moisture from your buds. I've got more dry in my house than humidity and a FNQ person might have a different experience. Note: They have a long life in sealed glass jars. If you are just using zip-lock bags, expect a much shorter life.


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Cheers, veritas. Your and Sedge's input has been enlightening. Instead of the usual "I use them, they're great!" comments. Maybe it's just me (i am a bit of a DC), but a can't decipher any useful info from posts of that nature.

It's good to learn that there's 55's out there. Because i'm a bit like Sedge and prefer mine on the slightly drier side. With that tit bit, I might fuck off and do some more research!


Sultan Of Soil
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They harden off if they are "used up". I keep some flower in a pint-size jar and take buds from that daily. This pack will harden in a 2-6 months, because it gets exposed to whatever humidity is in my house daily. But I keep the bulk of my flower in big-ass jars with bail lids, 5L I think. If I don't open those jars often after curing and have the correct size Boveda, they've lasted as long as I asked them too. I think my longest is about 18mons unopened and the Boveda felt like new when I did open it.

There is alternative brand that provides the same type of product. White package with blue & black logo, but I can't remember the brand name. They work just as good and sometimes are a bit cheaper. I get what is available and mix & match to suit the situation.

I'm sold on these Boveda type packs. There are some people who claim they lose aroma using them. I don't feel that is happening to my stash. I think some people open their jars often and lose the dank this way. I avoid that issue by using the bulk storage jar and daily jar system. Your mileage may vary....
yeah I'm one of those that used boveda's for a while & then didn't use them & noticed stuff

now i don't say they completely alter the terp content of the bud but because the packs breath so to speak i reckon they have a chance to slightly change what's in the jar , i noticed empty jars that had a boveda left in them & were left unopened for a period of time all smelt the same even though they all had different strains in them previously , i honestly can't say it was because of the pack all the jars smelt the same but it could be

i also use long term storage jars & a smaller usage jar & also found the larger storage jars if kept in the appropriate conditions kept bud pretty well the same moisture content with or without a boveda pack for roughly the same amount of time

keeping in mind the moment you remove buds from a growing plant it's degrading , what we're talking about is whether a boveda pack in a storage jar keeps buds at a optimum quality for longer , i guess it's possible it does but it's not that different without a pack & if you get a little alteration in terps , is it worth the possible extra optimum consistency for a little extra time ( when we're just talking long term storage ) , as i mentioned though the conditions the storage jar is kept in will make a difference as well as the size of the jar & how full that jar is regardless with or without a pack

they are prob handy used in a usage jar that is opened on a daily though
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