Curing for Dummies


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i think the only reason you would possibly loose anything in jars is if you jarred buds not dry enough & the mold was already in play on your buds , one of the criteria that mold needs to flourish is adequate moisture
I'm actually surprised that in the high humidity mould fest I live in I've been able to keep the buds from getting manky. So far so good :)

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Sultan Of Soil
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I'm actually surprised that in the high humidity mould fest I live in I've been able to keep the buds from getting manky. So far so good :)
IMO if you can keep your dry room or tent or whatever you use to dry buds in at a consistent 60% humidity & a temp of around 21c you should be able to retain the majority of terpenes & have buds ready to jar in about 14 days , of cause a lighter airier bud might be ready a little quicker & V a V , a larger more dense bud could take a little longer


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IMO if you can keep your dry room or tent or whatever you use to dry buds in at a consistent 60% humidity & a temp of around 21c you should be able to retain the majority of terpenes & have buds ready to jar in about 14 days , of cause a lighter airier bud might be ready a little quicker & V a V , a larger more dense bud could take a little longer.
That would be ideal but not happening this year, maybe next year I'll be able to afford an aircon that can maintain a lower temp as well as reduce humidity.


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The reason I use a cardboard box is to balance the moisture out with the buds before it gets jarred up. Because sometimes the flower can be dry 'n yet the stem of the bud can be still quite moist. So over a couple weeks that balances out whilst keeping a eye on the humidity within the box.

Also, I rarely burp jars. This process seems to go someways of having to do it, imo.

But yeah, junglelover. In your humidity, that option is probably no good to you. :(
I do the same but with paper bags. And now woolies is doing paper bags it's easy

Harry bootlace

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I have used boveda for the last few years no issues.
Last harvest nearly a year ago I used a mix of new ( different brand but similar ) and some jars I used bovedas from the year before.

I was just looking at the jars. Seeing how much I have left and checking.

A few jars unopened smelled funny. When I tip out the weed it felt moist and looked dark and gross.
The bovedas themselves feel damp.

I know they can dry out. Can they also get “full” of moisture and can’t take any more to reduce humidity ?

Only happened in a few jars out of 30 or so I had left.

Guess I should invest in new ones before I need to start jarring up.

Have to say. I think I’m going to use buckets with lids this year though. I’ll use my mason jars to pickle onions or something


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I haven’t used mine for long enough but I always use a bigger size, so 14g of flower with an 28g boveda etc. Jury’s still out, but 12 month old flowers still smelling, feeling and looking good.


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I’ve seen a few putting wet or damp buds in jars, and it’s only asking for mould or loss of aroma,,

Boveda 42% were originally made for cigars not weed,,I went to Integra 38% which is better for long term in my opinion.

Nowadays I don’t worry about them ,as long as it’s dry the curing for me is to wait a minimum of a month but longer gets a better quality smoke,, if the stem is dry and snaps it’s fine to jar,,

If you think it’s too dry for your liking just put some fresh leaves in and the moisture from them will be drawn into the buds ,,
If no leaves available then a small piece of dampened tissue will do the same.

As for jars I stopped using them,coz 1, I don’t have enough of decent size and 2, sealable plastic containers are easy to stack and take up less room.

And yeah if the boveda or Integra are over their moisture capacity just leave them in the open in low humidity to get them back to how they should be

Harry bootlace

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I’ve never had an issue before so suspect they got full.
Ah well. It’s autumn. I don’t need it all now :)
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