Crossing strains question


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Crossing strains question

If I took a Peachy auto

(9%THC/12%CBD) and femmed it and pollenated a Lemon Pie auto (7%THC/15%CBD ) with it.

I’m guessing it will be like one or the other, and more so once I select and backcross again a few times but….


What are the chances that some of the 1st crosses seed may be a throwback to something un-like either ?

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Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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Crossing strains question

If I took a Peachy auto

(9%THC/12%CBD) and femmed it and pollenated a Lemon Pie auto (7%THC/15%CBD ) with it.

I’m guessing it will be like one or the other, and more so once I select and backcross again a few times but….


What are the chances that some of the 1st crosses seed may be a throwback to something un-like either ?
I can't comment specifically on autos. But for photos, unless cultivar is fully stable ( multiple generations of breeding), its highly likely there will be recessive traits that can appear. Unless you keep working a non IBL for about 4 generations( generally) or more, you'll get some variations. The quality of the genetics that you start with, has the biggest influence on outcome.

Goonie Goat

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Years ago I tried some bagseed in a recirculating hydro setup, 1 plant was a massive sativa and the other was apparently a 'big bud' from the 90s which only had 3 fingered leaves and way smaller. The Big Bud threw lower bananas and dusted the sativa plant. Every plant that I grew from that batch of seeds were basically the same as the sativa mother except the smell and maybe a little quicker flowering time. Maybe this was close to a true F1 hybrid (IBL X IBL), as Old Fox and yourself mentions there will probably be variation


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Auto to auto will give you autos.

Hard to say what the first generation will be coz it’s up to how stable the original parents are , if stability in autos is a thing.
,,I’d Presume you’ll get some either way,,and anything in between ,,but that’s just a guess ,as I don’t know too much about autos

If you keep backcrossing the offspring to the same original pollen you should end up getting more of the lemon phenos
as the generations move on ,,,So hope you get plenty of pollen to use and store.

anyone wanting to play with autos ,you really need to research as much as you can coz there is far less info on auto breeding than
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