Cold water to bring on flowering stage

Sun Ra

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We need to stop handing out our bike bro science trade secrets so we can get the next round of punters who wander through here to sign up for our degree's!
I've also sorted a Vietnamese and an Albanian translator/interpreter which should help no end bro. We be set !

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Sun Ra

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regularly inject meth into the stems on their cannabis plants.
no shit i've heard this before
More bang for your buck to just inject fentanyl into the hydro feed - bro the buds you get from that will fetch $500 @ oz. Bro ..... just don't tell other bros wtf yo doin or all shit will cut loose bro ........ fentanyl has the same chemical structure so it kinda just works bro


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More bang for your buck to just inject fentanyl into the hydro feed - bro the buds you get from that will fetch $500 @ oz. Bro ..... just don't tell other bros wtf yo doin or all shit will cut loose bro ........ fentanyl has the same chemical structure so it kinda just works bro
heard of heroin diluted in a spray bottle applied to buds and left to dry for ultimate bang, plus they get addicted to the weed, also sugar for the crystals


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heard of heroin diluted in a spray bottle applied to buds and left to dry for ultimate bang, plus they get addicted to the weed, also sugar for the crystals
You sound very learned in the bro sciences, where did you do your degree?
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