Cold water to bring on flowering stage


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Can you grow seedlings,inside then take them outside to shock them into flowering stage and add cold water at night to try to get an early harvest,have read this can work,any thoughts?

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Make sure you give it 4 weeks of darkness before and stress them with a strobe light and flush with frozen seawater 48hrs before harvest bro trust me bro that's how the bikies do it bro ......
I've been considering holding some online courses here so that people can earn their "Degrees in Cannabis Bro Science" After that they with a bit more work they can get a Doctorate.


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18 hours on 6 off
When throwing outside to flower after veging on that schedule, you need the outdoor light to stay close to 12/12. At this time of year you'd find they begin flowering and then revert back to veging halfway through buding. You could try manually covering the plants each day to maintain the 12/12 light/dark for flower but this can be quite laborious.
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Sun Ra

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I've been considering holding some online courses here so that people can earn their "Degrees in Cannabis Bro Science" After that they with a bit more work they can get a Doctorate.
I think I've proven I have a PhD in Bro Science bro. šŸ’€


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Make sure you give it 4 weeks of darkness before and stress them with a strobe light and flush with frozen seawater 48hrs before harvest bro trust me bro that's how the bikies do it bro ......
funny thing is I've heard bro science followed by "its how the bikies do it"

Sun Ra

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funny thing is I've heard bro science followed by "its how the bikies do it"
In true Bro Science bro, you need to acknowledge your sources in your "academic papers" to add bro credibility .......

If you don't accept the premise of my hypothesis cunt bro, I'll send my bikie mates around to sort you out ....... bro cunt šŸ¤£


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In true Bro Science bro, you need to acknowledge your sources in your "academic papers" to add bro credibility .......

If you don't accept the premise of my hypothesis cunt bro, I'll send my bikie mates around to sort you out ....... bro cunt šŸ¤£
You should definitely be one of our head lecturer's in the bro science department! You seem to have the bro science down!

Sun Ra

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r/bro science ........

What am I doing wrong here bro ?

You'll need to flush it at least 3 times first with pH'd RO water & then give it a H2O2 bath to kill-off those spider mites.

With a haul of that magnitude, you should be careful about talking to bro's that know bro's. Sooner or later, you're just gonna get hurt........

RO water? Is that same as recycled fish tank water/back wash on the pool filter or do I gotta ask another bro
Thought about the h202 but got smashed on here last time I mentioned it but the webs help keep the mix tight so win/win.

Yep! That's the stuff. Good to see you're keeping up with the latest trends in bro-science.:p Please, mate, don't talk to any more bro's. You don't want to end-up as a statistic.

How do the spider mite webs taste?

Check it out.gif
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