Cob lighting


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Hey all quick question are they any good been looking at them they seem very cheap for what they say they do

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Goonie Goat

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Hey all quick question are they any good been looking at them they seem very cheap for what they say they do
It all boils down to personal preference i reckon, cobs are good but the thing with them is the light is focused directly in the 1 spot compared to strips which spread evenly over the canopy (if that makes sense) so that generally makes strips more ideal for sea of green/scrogs if you are going to be training the plants. Cobs intensity is good though so they can hang higher than strips and have better penetration below the canopy. Depending on how much power you drive them at they may even need fans ontop of the heatsink. All lights are different though so it's good to see the specs of the lights just to see if the diodes are cheap or good quality. My diy strip build doesn't need heatsinks because I'm sharing the amps between 12 strips which make them run cooler with more life expectancy at the cost of less brightness, I have a good 2 feet of decent lux ranges (60000 to 80000) for my canopy. Sorry for rambling šŸ¤£, short answer - yes they are good depending how you use them.

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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Consider the latest Viparspectra XS range for affordable LED lighting. I've personally never used one, but it's got great reviews from MIGRO. The 150 true watt version costs $199 in Aus. Vast improvement from the older blurple style boxes they used previously


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Consider the latest Viparspectra XS range for affordable LED lighting. I've personally never used one, but it's got great reviews from MIGRO. The 150 true watt version costs $199 in Aus. Vast improvement from the older blurple style boxes they used previously
I have used Viparspectra and they seem decent. I Use them for seeds clones and the very start of veg.. that new lens looks interesting. Might have to upgrade my old P1000's with this. Damn, i have a Viparspectra 4000 blurple in the cupboard and it's absolutely useless now days. Its as big as table and about as heavy. It's so big i'm going to have to dismantle and cut it to fit in the bin.


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I went cob for the added penetration. A grid of 3x3 450w -600w in a 4 x 4 tent with good results
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