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Apparently can get an appointment and script basically straight away.

Just fork out big dollars first.

Seems all of these mobs want your hard earned dollars to give you their fancy-schmancy scripts.

I think I'll wait till my local GP catches on and can write me up a script bulk-billed.

It shouldn't be long before any GP worth his salt will have their head around it.

It reminds me of all those 'hair replacement' companies who used to sell snake oils and wigs. Now that reasonably effective meds have hit the market a few decades back and are available from your doctor and pharmacy over the counter, they latched onto that, put those meds in their own packaging and after you pay to sign up with them, they sell you their overpriced versions of the same meds and some of their snake oils thrown in.



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What's the price?

I didn't go further after I saw $150, which seems to be a ballpark figure compared to another site mentioned here in another thread.

I'm not sure what the secondary costs are, cost per visit, cost per script, etc. but I suspect you'll be forking out ongoing costs.



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Hmm, not so sure. It's the 7th today.

Next available appointment
11-04-2022 09:10

That is interesting.

When I added that link last night, the next avaialble was 4pm today.... National news musta got them a bit of exposure :)
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Yeah, I guess word got around. Not even sure if that is a screening appointment or Drs. The process seems to be you have a screening chat to see if you're likely eligible, then the costly Drs one.


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I used this mob

Filled out the online form (honestly) and left it for a few days, they rang me and went over details briefly and made an appointment with the Doc a few days later.

Doc went over the details I filled out and prescribed 4 types of flower strait up and I was able to order from the pharmacy 30mins later.

Initial consult was $150, follow up a month later was $79 where they changed a few strains for me and made another follow up a month later which is next week.

Pugglewife applied through her GP which he referred her to a different provider who is not immediately TGA approved, she needs to wait for the clinic to put her application through TGA before they will prescribe anything. They also asked for documentation from her GP.

So while mine was almost seamless, she needs to go through a bit of a process (she is on a bunch of pharma meds)


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A family member went though it recently as well. From memory, it went something like this..

First intial consultation went over medical history with Canna Quack. Stung 'em for $150, but there was Medicare refund of $50 or something.

Goes off to TGA for approval. Once that's done, Quack called them back some 10 days l later to go over details of meds prescribed and does a script. Stings ya for another $150, no Medicare refund this time. Off to pharmacy to get meds

$500 all said done, see's a 50ml bottle of THC oil in the mit, and a script with 3 repeats. And a review in May.
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