"Bust Your Windows"


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No doubt there are many of you who just like me live in an apartment block and it's likely some of you rent as I do.
Another brilliant thing about apartment living is that we are often surrounded by nosey neighbours.

The old ducks in my block love a good gossip so it's a constant struggle to maintain privacy as well as avoid raising suspicion about what we do.

Actually I'm kinda lucky in that I live in the nation's cannabis capital so I couldn't give two shits about my neighbours knowing I inhale copious amounts of bong smoke on a daily basis.

I'm straying a little off track here so I'll get to the point before I forget.

Who of you are cursed with the type of windows shown below?

Aren't they just absolutely shithouse!

Has anyone figured out a way to poke ducting through to either intake or exhaust sir from their tents?

I have to keep in mind it's a rental which is inspected twice a year and any modifications made have to be tidy and resettable.

In the past I was running my 6" intake ducting out the bedroom door, through the lounge room and to the balcony door to draw in fresh air and at the same time I was running my 10" exhaust hose to the bedroom door and then simply exhausted into the kitchen and I'd deal with it there generally by sweatingy arse off or putting aircon on.

But it's impractical so I'm looking to utilise the window in the bedroom with that cursed bloody window.

Any ideas?

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The Dwarf Hermie King
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Winder windows are the shittst of all windows!!
Look at a defuser duct


Staff member
Community Member
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Put some thin Melamine or similar where the flu screen is then a hole in it for the ducting,,
should work ,,,atleast thatā€™s what Iā€™d do anyway.


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What's the dimensions of the window, and can you get a better pic of the entire window?


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how wide does it open, or is that fully open?

Can you not grow on the balcony?
Opens about a bees dick thickness I reckon Billy and Ive got a ten inches... well not me unfortunately but the duct is and unless I unscrew the windy chain thingy from it I can't get fuck all through there.

Like Porky said these windows are the pits.

It would be great to grow a few out there but I'm facing north with walls on either side so by the time the sun comes around the corner and then pisses off around the other corner it's not quite enough sun and things tend to flower whenever Ive tried in the past.


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Put some thin Melamine or similar where the flu screen is then a hole in it for the ducting,,
should work ,,,atleast thatā€™s what Iā€™d do anyway.
I think it's likely the only way Sedge I kinda did this but using an old sun blocker curtain to try make it light tight but it's not doing much for keeping the elements out so yep I think maybe a trip to Bunnings for a sheet of something.

Do you reckon it'll look kinda houso if there's a mdf board replacing the window with a hose hanging out šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


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What's the dimensions of the window, and can you get a better pic of the entire window?
The whole window is 1300x900.
I've unscrewed the winder and discovered it opens up a fair bit more now but yeh gee they're awkward just coz of it being hinged on the top.


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That looks fine.:(
Haha nah it looks shithouse but I can't keep venting my tent into the rest of my unit especially during summer.

And on rainy days the humidity creeps in through my shitty curtain job and then I'm having to run dehum which is more unnecessary cost


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How about getting some solid pipe and an end cap. Cut a slot out of it, join to your flexi duct and lay it across the bottom of the window, so there's a long, flat exit for the air?

Something like this

you could use that shape to angle the air downwards so it blows out through the fly screen with the window open a little.


Resident Celebrity
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I had windows like that back in Hurstville years ago.

A few kids jump on their bed and fall out the window and all of a sudden the rest of us have to put up with "safety windows".

It's fucking bullshit, especially in Summer.


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Maybe you need to look for somewhere else to live ?
Why the fuck would I do that ?
It's a brand new two beddy unit I was the first one in here so if I sound a little hesitant to start demolition for a perfect grow room well that's why.

And plus it's a government rental.
Can't afford private rental market because I'm on a pension coz I'm blind.
Not totally blind but legally blind.

Nah I love this place mate im just looking outside the box for suggestions from you great folk on here
Maybe you need to look for somewhere else to live ?


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How about getting some solid pipe and an end cap. Cut a slot out of it, join to your flexi duct and lay it across the bottom of the window, so there's a long, flat exit for the air?

Something like this
View attachment 29324

you could use that shape to angle the air downwards so it blows out through the fly screen with the window open a little.
Mate this is imo the best suggestions so far!
You're a fucken genius coz I'm kinda doing this with the ducting atm just laying it across the skirting of the window and hoping the majority makes it out šŸ¤£ but what's missing us your fine piece of engineering.

Bunnings here we come!
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