My misses is a pretty well renowned artist (won't mention her name it would give away who i am

) this whole trip is funded from a scholarship she was given bar spending money.I've been to galleries so far in Dubai ,Vienna, Berlin ,Rotterdam Amsterdam, going to The Haag tommorow ,Paris next week, then London to the Tait where she has a work in.then Japan on way home. I'm fucking arted out. But not complaining it's 35k of our money we didn't have to for flights and accommodation. She has to write a report on how its influenced her work moving forward. I've been lucky enough to go to several countries in the past because she is so successful in her practice. Last 5 years I've only been able to work part time on the trowel because she needs me as a studio assistant. Downside I only get paid if she sells a work, upside if she does i can make more in a couple months than what I can in 12 laying bricks.