Bucket list done

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Reminds of NYE in East Germany.
Swish posh do at a Marriott, then suddenly all the suits went ballistic with their crackers. Like little children unleashed, cracker mayhem, hectic as.
But nothing compares to Territory Day. 1st July, you’d feel safer in Gaza.
Alcohol, fireworks, clackers and dry season grasses, ahhhh, free-dumb at its finest.


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Hope you had fun!
I've managed to go there twice now, definitely recommend the truffles and then going to the Van Gough Museum/Gallery lol (the Anne Frank house might be a bit grim tripping).
There's 2 cafes there that (10 years ago) had Kali Mist, which was one of my bucket list strains to smoke, couldn't remember which ones now though, that and the Super Silver Haze I had there have been my top two smokes.


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Reminds of NYE in East Germany.
Swish posh do at a Marriott, then suddenly all the suits went ballistic with their crackers. Like little children unleashed, cracker mayhem, hectic as.
But nothing compares to Territory Day. 1st July, you’d feel safer in Gaza.
Alcohol, fireworks, clackers and dry season grasses, ahhhh, free-dumb at its finest.
We had 2k worth of crackers on Territory Day 2009. We we're in a cutersack with units at the end. An old couple about 70 sat out on there balcony to view the mayhem. Then one of the big boys fell over and shot about 10 ball right on their verandah. Each flash they were in a different position trying to escape. Looked like a strobe light at disco. All he said wa fuck there goes 10 years 😆 I loved living up there


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Hope you had fun!
I've managed to go there twice now, definitely recommend the truffles and then going to the Van Gough Museum/Gallery lol (the Anne Frank house might be a bit grim tripping).
There's 2 cafes there that (10 years ago) had Kali Mist, which was one of my bucket list strains to smoke, couldn't remember which ones now though, that and the Super Silver Haze I had there have been my top two smokes.
My misses is a pretty well renowned artist (won't mention her name it would give away who i am 😆 ) this whole trip is funded from a scholarship she was given bar spending money.I've been to galleries so far in Dubai ,Vienna, Berlin ,Rotterdam Amsterdam, going to The Haag tommorow ,Paris next week, then London to the Tait where she has a work in.then Japan on way home. I'm fucking arted out. But not complaining it's 35k of our money we didn't have to for flights and accommodation. She has to write a report on how its influenced her work moving forward. I've been lucky enough to go to several countries in the past because she is so successful in her practice. Last 5 years I've only been able to work part time on the trowel because she needs me as a studio assistant. Downside I only get paid if she sells a work, upside if she does i can make more in a couple months than what I can in 12 laying bricks.

Love to grow

Foot man
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My misses is a pretty well renowned artist (won't mention her name it would give away who i am 😆 ) this whole trip is funded from a scholarship she was given bar spending money.I've been to galleries so far in Dubai ,Vienna, Berlin ,Rotterdam Amsterdam, going to The Haag tommorow ,Paris next week, then London to the Tait where she has a work in.then Japan on way home. I'm fucking arted out. But not complaining it's 35k of our money we didn't have to for flights and accommodation. She has to write a report on how its influenced her work moving forward. I've been lucky enough to go to several countries in the past because she is so successful in her practice. Last 5 years I've only been able to work part time on the trowel because she needs me as a studio assistant. Downside I only get paid if she sells a work, upside if she does i can make more in a couple months than what I can in 12 laying bricks.
From Brickie to art assistant hey😂 fuck yea Hudo wish I got to travel on the mrs dime😂👍
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