Best Way To Beat Roadside MDT?


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I ve smoked 4 hrs then tested after a garlic kebab just before test and passed

I've also been tested next morning and passed and I don't mind a,cone

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My tests are old.

Pulled a big one a few minutes before scraping fuck out of my tongue.

Is there a capsule type solution to this problem?



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Maybe i'm wrong. But i was of the understanding that they're testing for THC that has been excreted within the saliva, within your mouth?

But yeah, probably got that wrong. Anyone know the theory of it all?

Northface Gorilla

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This stuff is what everyone I know uses, only thing is if you have it within 5 minutes of a breatholiser it'll get a reading, few of us tested it out sometimes you can get a very small reading after 5 minutes but your usually sweet, apply once every 40 mins give or take while driving an shouldn't come up with a reading on all swab tests IMG20221224094126.jpg


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Apparently THC cannot pass from your blood into your mucous. So they are testing for residue from smoking. I could be wrong as well, but that was what I read. I keep a bottle with mouthwash, vinegar and hydrogen peroxide in it. The mouthwash has to be the non-alcoholic kind or else you will blow positive for alcohol.


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This stuff is what everyone I know uses, only thing is if you have it within 5 minutes of a breatholiser it'll get a reading, few of us tested it out sometimes you can get a very small reading after 5 minutes but your usually sweet, apply once every 40 mins give or take while driving an shouldn't come up with a reading on all swab tests View attachment 28849

When you say tested, do you mean with a swab?

I think that getting a slight alcohol reading would be a good thing, divert attention from swabbing! Surely the secondary test wouldn’t show anything..

In saying that, no chance I’m running that shit on my tongue every time I go for a drive.

Northface Gorilla

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When you say tested, do you mean with a swab?

I think that getting a slight alcohol reading would be a good thing, divert attention from swabbing! Surely the secondary test wouldn’t show anything..

In saying that, no chance I’m running that shit on my tongue every time I go for a drive.

Yeah Billy I’m fairly sure they tested it with cola and amphetamines.

Not 100% sure if they actually tested with weed but I’ve got a mate who’s a heavy, all day smoker an has been pulled over an tested over 5 times an came up all clear.

But I guess it’s still not an actual test so might need a further trial


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Unfortunately, the ethanol in most mouthwashes will mean they take you back to the station as the reading will be well above what is acceptable. So get the one that has hydrogen peroxide, not ethanol. I learned this the hard way one Christmas day in Lakes Entrance.


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Apparently THC cannot pass from your blood into your mucous. So they are testing for residue from smoking. I could be wrong as well, but that was what I read. I keep a bottle with mouthwash, vinegar and hydrogen peroxide in it. The mouthwash has to be the non-alcoholic kind or else you will blow positive for alcohol.
I think the test isn't for residue in your mouth, it's saliva which shows traces of THC usually up to around 30 hours later (sometimes people can test positive a week later though - there have been court cases where the charge was dismissed because a MC patient used an oil a week before).

I use the app called Waze which is amazing for community-reporting police speed cameras and RBT as well as hazards etc. It's free and can't recommend enough.

If you get pulled over, my friend who is a cop said to always say you've had a couple of drinks a few hours ago. If they are only going to do one test, you want the alcohol one so make them think this is needed.


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I think the test isn't for residue in your mouth, it's saliva which shows traces of THC usually up to around 30 hours later (sometimes people can test positive a week later though - there have been court cases where the charge was dismissed because a MC patient used an oil a week before).

I use the app called Waze which is amazing for community-reporting police speed cameras and RBT as well as hazards etc. It's free and can't recommend enough.

If you get pulled over, my friend who is a cop said to always say you've had a couple of drinks a few hours ago. If they are only going to do one test, you want the alcohol one so make them think this is needed.
Oral swabs only detect cannabis use in the past 24 hours.
Therefore cannabis is not present in saliva after that period.
Even though it would be detected in a urine test.
This is not open for debate.


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Oral swabs only detect cannabis use in the past 24 hours.
Therefore cannabis is not present in saliva after that period.
Even though it would be detected in a urine test.
This is not open for debate.

Any credible source you can quote for such a statement?


The Dwarf Hermie King
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Oral swabs only detect cannabis use in the past 24 hours.
Therefore cannabis is not present in saliva after that period.
Even though it would be detected in a urine test.
This is not open for debate.
You got a link to this?


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Oral swabs only detect cannabis use in the past 24 hours.
Therefore cannabis is not present in saliva after that period.
Even though it would be detected in a urine test.
This is not open for debate.
Not sure about the 'not up for debate'. Every state has information about the tests, and you can easily find other info about saliva tests for THC finding traces more than 24 hours after use.

There are a number of court cases related to medical cannabis and people getting off charges because of they used several days ago so they were no longer impaired.
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