Apparently I had 91 kgs of weed on my balcony... Beat that, Pedro :P

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Resident Celebrity
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The offer still stands mate, if u want it?
Shit, sorry mate. I've had a whole bunch of people contacting me over the past few days and combined with the mindfuck of losing the plants I totally forgot to get back to some of you.

I promise I'll check my messages in the morning and reply to all of you. I'm putting it in my Google Calendar but at the moment I'm being told that it's female whinge hour, but luckily that coincides with rum o'clock so...

Cheers everyone, I must say that there's a helluva support group in this place :)


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The police shouldn't blow it out of proportion, we need to set an example if we ever want this legalized. There's personal use, personal interest and whatever reason people grow it but then there's flat out trafficking.
We should be grateful that there is this little experiment happening in the ACT, directly under the noses of the policy makers.


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If everyone that smoked grew a couple of plants the system would become overwhelmed. Police would struggle to police the issue and change would be forced through the courts.

If you believe it's a basic right to choose whether you consume cannabis all ya gotta do is step up and do something about it. Nobody will though and we'll remain a minority.

Not sure where I'm at with a lifetime of being forced into a sub culture of partial criminality. Sometimes I think wtf, other times I love the shit.


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If everyone that smoked grew a couple of plants the system would become overwhelmed. Police would struggle to police the issue and change would be forced through the courts.

If you believe it's a basic right to choose whether you consume cannabis all ya gotta do is step up and do something about it. Nobody will though and we'll remain a minority.

Not sure where I'm at with a lifetime of being forced into a sub culture of partial criminality. Sometimes I think wtf, other times I love the shit.
This is correct, if everyone did a little silent protest and grew a few plants just for themselves or for whatever reason and if the people growing them aren't an absolute menace to society or themselves I think we could enact some change.


Resident Celebrity
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Least it tested the law, and the law lost really!, formal caution only! Well done on that aspect. Anyone else in the country woulda been fucked!
A shame you lost the lot but.
Thanks Dotts, it's a badly designed law but it's the only one we have to work with so what can you do.

I only moved here a few years ago and the one thing I've noticed about Canberra is the Government is more progressive than in Sydney, they like to try stuff out first and see how everyone behaves instead of just banning new shit straight away like the NSW Government do.

Edit: Actually I wouldn't even call it a formal caution, I thought they'd give me one but they just left without me signing anything other than the seized property log. So I don't even know if I got a caution or not, they just took the plants and left. I at least thought I'd have to sign a page saying I'd been cautioned or something.

afghan bob

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That's a bit weird, mr popo loves his paperwork
No estimate on green leaf matter?
No court date, case no. notice 4 diversion?
Did they give u receipts 4 everything they took?
Maybe ure lawyer flatmate did have an impact

If ure name and proper addy was on warrant then i suppose they did do some homework
If not, then u could say loose lips sink ships or classical tall poppy syndrome of neighbors

Anyhoo, glad 2 hear ure soldiering on and i'd go with the no news is good news side of things :)


Resident Celebrity
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That's a bit weird, mr popo loves his paperwork
No estimate on green leaf matter?
No court date, case no. notice 4 diversion?
Did they give u receipts 4 everything they took?
Maybe ure lawyer flatmate did have an impact

If ure name and proper addy was on warrant then i suppose they did do some homework
If not, then u could say loose lips sink ships or classical tall poppy syndrome of neighbors

Anyhoo, glad 2 hear ure soldiering on and i'd go with the no news is good news side of things :)
I know, I thought it was weird too.
I was expecting them to publish an estimate in the news, something like "$10 billion weed setup found in Canberra" but they didn't, probably because it didn't look like a commercial grow.

They did offer "drug diversion" but I said don't bother, although I did get a letter in the mail from some company offering to help me because the police indicated that I have a "drug & alcohol problem". Can't remember the name though because I threw it out but I rang them for 2 minutes just to find out what they did, out of interest, because I reckon it's a good thing they do for people that need that type of stuff. I'd never heard of that service before, usually the cops don't give a shit about anything but busting you.

They gave me receipts for the property they seized, the only other paperwork was the search warrant.

And yes, them knowing who I was and where I lived made me suspicious too, how did they know my full name and birthdate and address unless they went to the drivers license place? (I think it's called Access Canberra). I am not known in Canberra, at all, I don't have any friends here. Every day is spent at home working and coding.

I do have a license here though, hardly anyone even my friends in Sydney know my birthdate or middle name and that's not because it's embarrassing or anything but just because who the fuck goes around telling everyone their middle name?
Even the couple of neighbours I've met on the stairs only know me by my first name and they've probably forgotten that anyway because we see each other once every 3 months when our garbage schedules collide.
I'm curious as to how they found all that out but it's probably just the license place.

Thanks Bob, and everyone else on here. You've all been champs. :)
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