Alternaleaf Australia’s biggest drug dealer


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Strange. I did have an initial consult with nurse also. It was a little confusing as I hit an email an hour before, reminding me of the appointment and to upload something. It did read like I needed to be online but I didn’t do anything and she rang me at the time I was advised.

Have you given them a call to let them know the issues?

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Strange. I did have an initial consult with nurse also. It was a little confusing as I hit an email an hour before, reminding me of the appointment and to upload something. It did read like I needed to be online but I didn’t do anything and she rang me at the time I was advised.

Have you given them a call to let them know the issues?
Yea a few but it's always "they are just so flat out, they'll call you back when they have time" but I'm always either at work or busy by then haha.

Maybe if I just ignore the video link they'll actually call me on the dot haha.

My main issue is being the first cab off the rank at 8:30am but watching your spot in the que go from 1-2-3 and more over a few hours lol. I even screenshotted every 15mins for 2.5hrs last time just to prove I was actually there as they basically said the first time that if you aren't there at the specified time they'll move on haha.

So next time I got there 20mins early and screenshotted my face constantly lol.

Tried medrelief as well and they wanted heaps of GP documents, previous treatment histories and proof of current chronic conditions dated no older than three months and considering all my appointments are through the hospital and public specialists that was hard.

Then my GP found out it was for weed, got super pissy and wouldn't correspond so that didn't work. I swear I'm just cursed haha. I'm just being sour as everyone I know had zero issues whatsoever with any of the providers lol.
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I’ve used this mob once, in SA. Call back consult, possibly 15-30 minutes late but that’s norm for medics. Special deal with mainstream chemist Terry White. Stoner Dr. If you do script through their chemist was $140/0.5 Oz, over a year ago. Product was good, I got sativa day meds.



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I had no problems with Alternaleaf 10 minute nurse appointment then the same day Dr appointment video chat room, Prescription supplied then ordered online it took 3 days total to arrive to my door in country Vic.

I have a fucked T6.T5.T4 in spine T6 is cracked 3/4 way compressed disc 35% lose, fucked neck 3 crushed disc nerve damage, osteoporosis. fucked right shoulder disc and cup and torn shit.

Maybe that's why I had no trouble getting it...

There weed is average I grow and get better street weed...... but hey the oxy, vali and weed and beer help me a lot all Prescription except for the Beer! WTF

My opinion anyway.
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