a bush walk

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i have a small farm up the coast and part of it is a little mountain. i went for a walk up there the other week and it looks like someone is setting up a grow. so do i let them grow in peace or leave them a nice note.
I am not sure what the right thing is
If it’s your property I’d leave them message of some kind to relocate.

A) it’s trespassing and you do to really need cunts you don’t know on your land

B) the cops might think it’s yours. Be Fucked if I’m getting pinged for a grow that isn’t even mine

Aye Shroomer

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I would love some property but alas I have none. I’ve got ideas to build a semi open, poly roofed greenhouse in the backyard and throw some plants in amongst the fruit and veggies. At least that will try and reduce the water log and mold

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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I would love some property but alas I have none. I’ve got ideas to build a semi open, poly roofed greenhouse in the backyard and throw some plants in amongst the fruit and veggies. At least that will try and reduce the water log and mold
I own a suitable property in a rural setting not too far west from you. If you want to babysit some outdoor plants over summer, we can work something out. Minimum of 1000 plants directly in the ground. Ill provide the seedlings. There's already about 25 prepped sites there, you just need to dig out the other 975. holes 😜

Aye Shroomer

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I own a suitable property in a rural setting not too far west from you. If you want to babysit some outdoor plants over summer, we can work something out. Minimum of 1000 plants directly in the ground. Ill provide the seedlings. There's already about 25 prepped sites there, you just need to dig out the other 975. holes 😜
If I was divorced then maybe 😳
If I took you up on the offer I soon would be divorced 😂
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