a bush walk


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i have a small farm up the coast and part of it is a little mountain. i went for a walk up there the other week and it looks like someone is setting up a grow. so do i let them grow in peace or leave them a nice note.
I am not sure what the right thing is

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Usually leave it, and try and forget about it.

But yeah, you could leave a simple note stating they might want find somewhere else more isolated.

Reminds of a time, had about 10 plants at home that had to go in the bush real soon before they got too big to move. Anyway, I half-arsed picked a spot in a big patch of lantana, cleared a patch 'n planted them out on a Saturday morning, all went well. I rock up on Sunday morning to give them another watering because I couldn't get back there until the following weekend. Only to lob there and see the patch cleared out and a $10 bill left behind, lol. I wasn't too upset in losing them, as I planted out heaps and done alright that season.

But yeah, I guess that's what you get doing things half-arsed. 😆


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Usually leave it, and try and forget about it.

But yeah, you could leave a simple note stating they might want find somewhere else more isolated.

Reminds of a time, had about 10 plants at home that had to go in the bush real soon before they got too big to move. Anyway, I half-arsed picked a spot in a big patch of lantana, cleared a patch 'n planted them out on a Saturday morning, all went well. I rock up on Sunday morning to give them another watering because I couldn't get back there until the following weekend. Only to lob there and see the patch cleared out and a $10 bill left behind, lol. I wasn't too upset in losing them, as I planted out heaps and done alright that season.

But yeah, I guess that's what you get doing things half-arsed. 😆
i don't want to fuck anyone's grow but if its found and the cops check my shed not sure they will believe me its not mine lol

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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No bloody way would I let some random grow on my property. Zero chance. You're taking a risk of attracting unwanted attention for absolutely no return. I would rip them out immediately. You don't owe them the courtesy of a note. It's private property, they shouldn't even be on your land.

Aye Shroomer

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It’s a rock and a hard place situation.

Ripping it up is going to make interactions hard later.
Maybe leave a note saying you’re open to a partnership. Being it’s your land.
But if they are idiots and attract attention then that’s not a good partner to have.
If they are sensible then you might have a new friend who does most on the work.
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