1st time grower needing advice on which growing medium to start with

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Chopped all four plants down last weekend. Was in abit of a rush so totally forgot to take photos before the chop. Will post a few photos I took around 3 weeks ago before harvest. Had family here from overseas for the last 5 weeks so been playing host and chauffeur. This grow got a little neglected but happy it made it to the end! Apologies for the lack of photos and updates.

Pics from 3 weeks ago before harvest

Superchronic from Litfarms. Not the best yielder but super frosty

Big bad wolf 2.0 from CSI humbodlt. Absolutely stinks! Got a good feeling this is going to be a knock out smoke


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Next round waiting for the flower tent to be ready. Getting a little crowded in the veg tent. All four plants from CSI.. Got two Chemdog D S1 and two Flight risk (gsc x t100) x ruthless runtz.
Get fucken jealous seeing everyone else’s bigger grow spaces and I’m working in a shoe box🤣 Can’t complain though, at least a can grow a few plants!

Bent the main stem over and topped them last weekend

7 days later…

Goonie Goat

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Chopped all four plants down last weekend. Was in abit of a rush so totally forgot to take photos before the chop. Will post a few photos I took around 3 weeks ago before harvest. Had family here from overseas for the last 5 weeks so been playing host and chauffeur. This grow got a little neglected but happy it made it to the end! Apologies for the lack of photos and updates.

Pics from 3 weeks ago before harvest
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Superchronic from Litfarms. Not the best yielder but super frosty
View attachment 53204

Big bad wolf 2.0 from CSI humbodlt. Absolutely stinks! Got a good feeling this is going to be a knock out smoke
View attachment 53205
Stunning buds @Dmase, they don't look neglected to me, bet it all smokes great 👍🏻👌🏻😍

Goonie Goat

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Thanks Goonie! I usually like to spend abit of time in the tent every night just mucking around feeding, bending etc.. I find it very therapeutic. This grow just did a defol in flower and pretty much went untouched for last 6 weeks.
Yeah I like to do the same. I'll sit infront of the tent with a coffee and gaze at the plants for quite awhile, It's kind of hypnotizing actually.
I'll have to get my snips out to do a heavy defol on mine shortly, I'll do around 3 from flip to harvest. Each time I'll fill a shopping bag full of leaves, it's crazy how fast the leaves grow back.


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Yeah I like to do the same. I'll sit infront of the tent with a coffee and gaze at the plants for quite awhile, It's kind of hypnotizing actually.
I'll have to get my snips out to do a heavy defol on mine shortly, I'll do around 3 from flip to harvest. Each time I'll fill a shopping bag full of leaves, it's crazy how fast the leaves grow back.
I can totally relate mate.. You can tell I spend too much time in the grow room as my dogs have a bed in there. They know where to find me if they can’t see me😂

I’m very similar to you, I like to do a defol a week before flip then another at end of week 3 flower, then pluck the occasional leaf here and there until end of flower.
They are just awesome plants, so many growing styles and techniques and there is no wrong or right way. Always something new to learn..
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