1st Hydro grow - HELP!

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OK here is the statistics.

PH = 5.9
TDS = 1597
µs/cm = 336.1
light height from top of plant 32cm
As you can see the plant looks pretty bad.
Oof like the other guys said way to strong. With DWC In my experiance less is more if that makes sence. My EC pen hasn't been used in that long I don't even know where it Is(suggest you keep using yours untill you dial your system in). If on the bottle it says for eg 30ml per 10L I use 20ml. Because the roots are suspended in nutrients they don't need to search for them and the nutrients can be alot weaker from which in my experiance they respond better no burnt tips etc.


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Thanks I’ll up it. That helps I had no idea about EC learning everyday
The leaves on your plant are a great indicator for how much food they want. If they are a dark green and start clawing and going yellow on the tips you've fed too much, if they're pale green and limp you're underfeeding. Take note of your EC each time you feed and adjust the next by reading your plants


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The leaves on your plant are a great indicator for how much food they want. If they are a dark green and start clawing and going yellow on the tips you've fed too much, if they're pale green and limp you're underfeeding. Take note of your EC each time you feed and adjust the next by reading your plants
That’s great advice thank you 🤙
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