🤮 gross shit your kids leave around…

Aye Shroomer

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I also can’t be the only parent with gross kids.
I want to see all funny disgusting things other parents find 😂

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afghan bob

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When my son was around 18 mths old we were sitting in lounge watching telly when i noticed coupla cockies scurrying around on the floor, thinking this was an excellent time 2 instill in my son how dirty filthy these insects were [especially ones from N.S.W]
So in my best david attenbro voice i pointed at said arachnopods and yelled 'YUCKY' as u do while trying 2 make a toddler understand real man talk. I really thought he understood so had no probs in aswering phone call in next room. Upon return, here he is smiling with 6 quivering legs hanging out of his gob. Little bugger went all ninja on that roach without making a sound and the jaws of life wouldn't have got him 2 open up
Not 2 mention 3 yr old daughter somehow got hold of granny's false teeth outta their glass of scum and proceeded 2 wear them 4 half an hr until we could catch her, giggling and having a right old time while i dry reached
One time we took her 2 emergency with blocked nose only 2 find out 3 enormous rat poos lodged in there
Don't get me started

Harry bootlace

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Yeah I remember my daughter as a toddler in the garden just bend down and grab a huge snail and straight into her mouth. Could I get it out ? You know the answer.

Seem to recall a few times the dog ate her dirty nappies too.

Shit. Actually to go on my own tangent, recently walking in the bush with my dog and she somehow found a bloody tampon to eat. She put up a BLOODY good fight to keep it I tell ya.


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Yeah I remember my daughter as a toddler in the garden just bend down and grab a huge snail and straight into her mouth. Could I get it out ? You know the answer.

Seem to recall a few times the dog ate her dirty nappies too.

Shit. Actually to go on my own tangent, recently walking in the bush with my dog and she somehow found a bloody tampon to eat. She put up a BLOODY good fight to keep it I tell ya.
Ooooh 😨


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I remember my little fella once playing tug of war with my old staffy. He was chewing on something and after some coaxing finally spat it out.

It was a rotten dog tooth that must have fallen out when they were playing 🤮

Not quite as bad as my nephew. He was staying with grandma for the weekend. She came downstairs to see him licking his fingers and a mouth full of what looked like chocolate cake mix…. Until she got closer and smelt it. I still laugh thinking of how she describes how she was dry reaching trying to wash fresh dog shit out of his mouth. He is 18 in a few years, can’t wait for the speeches… 😂
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