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Harry bootlace

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Anyone remember the early reality tv show Sylvania Waters ?
I had a friend who lived near the family ( Noreen ?) anyway apparently local teenagers made a habit of cutting their hoses to use as bong stems. Pulling cones laughing at where the stem came from.

Noreen must have been really confused why her garden hose kept getting shorter.


The man your mother warned you about.
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😂I had to check if that shit is really on utube,,
I could only watch 25 seconds ,,that Was enough.lol

watch this if your game.

Kee Mao

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I was working at an inner city hospital in theatre when we go a heads up that there was a home job orchidectomy coming in. He must have done it the day before. So many pretty colours.🤮 Thing that impressed us most was he used a stapler to close up. He didn’t do too bad a job,got both nuts. Scrotum the size of a basketball. Blood infection was killing him.
Mental illness can be fucking cruel.
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