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Sun Ra

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It's going to be piss funny when he gets to clear out his American workforce, and replace them with immigrants. MAGA folk are going to lose their shit entirely.
Yeah, not to mention inflation going through the roof when he wacks on his tariffs - even though he said he'd get inflation down.


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People like you who just simply accept the fact you a considered nothing more that a tool by the elite to be used as they see fit are the reason a broken system will not be changed.
The "game" as you put it is rigged and not for people like you sooking about house prices, groceries or fuel.
But you just weakly accept it and struggle on complaining where if people opened their eyes to the corruption of the system it could be changed.
Do you not watch politicians continually saying we don't have the money to pay teachers more, nurses, paramedics or build better hospitals, schools, roads or any infrastructure.
There is literally 10s of billions of dollars being stolen from the Australian people by these billionaires.
Really it's the fault of these politicians who are to weak to reform the tax system.
Not paying tax is considered a crime! Sorry I should of said commiting tax crimes against the Australian public but stealing was shorter.
Ok if sell some stuff in your little shop and don't pay tax on your profits the ATO considers that a tax evasion and that is a crime.

Now if you had enough money you could hire experts to use the "broken" system to your advantage and hide those profits and not pay tax while still enjoying all the benefits of other tax payer's like roads, schools, healthcare and all the others while not contributing.
This is exactly what the elite have the power to do while you me and everyone else can not.
That is inequality.
You and some others may be fine with this system but me and lots of others are not.
Let me clarify something: the reason I’ve achieved any level of success has nothing to do with blind acceptance of the system. Quite the opposite—it’s because I reject the defeatist notion that I’m merely a ‘tool’ for the elites. That mindset is what keeps people perpetually stagnant, not the system itself. Personal agency matters, and while systemic flaws undeniably exist, blaming everything on corruption or a ‘rigged game’ often serves as an excuse for inaction. Success doesn’t require naivety about the system; it requires learning how to navigate it effectively.

That said, I don’t dispute that tax avoidance by the ultra-wealthy is a significant problem. It’s frustrating to see billionaires exploit loopholes while the rest of us are bound to stricter rules. However, it’s worth asking an uncomfortable question: if given the opportunity, how many people would truly act differently? Self-interest is deeply ingrained in human behaviour, and most would likely do the same if the system enabled them to.

Addressing inequality and fixing the system, however, demands a more nuanced approach than merely closing tax loopholes. True equality, while idealistic, comes with inherent complexities. For instance, where do we draw the line? What’s ‘fair,’ and who defines it? There’s always going to be a degree of inequality in any human system—it’s an inevitable byproduct of diverse abilities, choices, and circumstances. The challenge lies in mitigating its excesses without undermining the incentives that drive innovation and progress.

Moreover, it’s not enough to blame billionaires for these issues. The political class plays an equally significant role in perpetuating inequality, often enabling the very systems that shield wealth from accountability. While politicians routinely cite a lack of resources to improve healthcare, education, or infrastructure, they simultaneously benefit from structures that favour the privileged. Reforming tax policy is important, but without a corresponding shift in how public funds are allocated and managed, it’s little more than a superficial fix.

Ultimately, the conversation shouldn’t just centre on taxing the wealthy; it should focus on building a system that fosters accountability, transparency, and equitable opportunity. Tax reforms alone won’t dismantle entrenched inequality if the mechanisms for redistributing those funds remain inefficient or mismanaged. If we want meaningful change, we need solutions that address the root causes of inequality, not just its symptoms.

So yes, holding billionaires accountable is necessary, but it’s only one piece of a far more complex puzzle. Railing against elites without offering actionable reforms risks becoming little more than performative outrage. Change requires more than noise—it requires thoughtful, pragmatic, and sustained efforts to create a fairer system for everyone.
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nazi sympathiser stoners fuck off.
I would be considered a nazi but then again virtually everyone is.
Do you believe foreigners should be able to influence your elections? How about propagandizing your people to act against their own interests? How do you feel about not only opening your borders to mass immigration without any expectation of integration to the host culture but also allowing straight up foreign ownership of housing, farms and business which can include things we consider a national interest such as electricity supply or communications networks?

Voting is meant to be the will of the people of a nation. If you believe it is outrageous to allow foreign interference in elections you're a nazi.

If you believe that having foreigners own your media companies which are then used to mind fuck the population into acting against their interests is a negative things you are again a nazi.

If you believe in mass immigration and multiculturalism you're INFINITELY MORE RACIST THAN A NAZI!!! They wanted a multicultural world where China was for the Chinese, Japan for the Japanese, etc. because they knew that nations were only unique because of the individual races with their own histories, cultures, architectures, etc. Multiculturalism ultimately preaches the destruction of the individual races and with it their cultures unify, their histories shit on for being racist and things like architecture all become standard as well. Have a look at any major western nation's cities in google street view and you'll see it for yourself.
There's also long term issues like birds of a feather flocking together and making racial enclaves, the necessity of authoritarian governments to crack down on people to keep the peace, etc. but let's ignore all that bad stuff that happens to the host nations for 6 minutes, want to know what makes you so much worse than a nazi? Multiculturalism brain drains the 3rd world of the very people that stand a chance of elevating their people and nations and there isn't a single more racist action you could collectively take short of outright genociding them.
In short if you believe the colonization of Africa was wrong, that Japan should be for the Japanese, etc. you're a nazi and if not congrats on being a real piece of shit I guess.

Foreign ownership of land makes it their clay and thus lowers availability and raises prices for locals. Worse still when you allow them to buy up things like farms they'll shit the place up to produce the maximum amount possible and ship it all back home which deprives us of supply and rises prices while also making us foot the long term environmental bill. If you allow them to invest in necessities like electricity supply they expect the maximum return possible which allows them to rob us blind. If you think such behaviour is wrong you're a nazi.

There's no need to be all muh jews, what about the holobunga?, etc. Just those basic political stances that the vast majority of us all share make you a nazi.
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